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by cfidl ( edited 22 Jun 2024 ) 20 Jun 2024

Christie is out of ICU! Yeah! she says she feels well again. Not sure what all happened, however Martin sent me a picture of her and says she is better.. She will call me as soon as she can and I can get the details. Thank you so much for going through this with me. She is the greatest gift I got from Cute!

Update: I just heard from Martin. It was not a stroke. She will go under the knife again this afternoon (his time) which is about now (my time).. They will check the area. For what I do not know, I just want her to be well.

I hope to speak with her or Martin within 24 - 36 hours.

I am so sad to tell you that Christie is in ICU in Heidelberg. The doctors suspect a stroke. I pray I see her again. Thank you for your prayers for her.


by dragonflyer 23 Jun 2024

Great news, Christine! When you speak with her, let her know we are all so happy she is feeling better....

by sdrise 23 Jun 2024

WOW Happy to hear Christine is doing so much better. AH the power of prayer and God is amazing!! Thanks for the updates too. Suzanne

by grammaheh1 22 Jun 2024

Gald to hear that your friend Christie did not have a stroke and that her surgery went well and that she is out of the ICU.

by asterixsew Moderator 22 Jun 2024

Christine thanks so much for this positive news.

by cfidl 22 Jun 2024

Christie is out of ICU! Yeah! she says she feels well again. Not sure what all happened, however Martin sent me a picture of her and says she is better.. She will call me as soon as she can and I can get the details. Thank you so much for going through this with me. She is the greatest gift I got from Cute!

by pennifold 22 Jun 2024

So sorry to just read this update Chris, i do pray that her surgery went well this time. Please keep us updated. Praying for you both. Love Chris

by dragonflyer 21 Jun 2024

So sad to hear this Christine....sending love and best wishes for her and her family...I hope they get a correct diagnosis so they can help her...

by jrob Moderator 21 Jun 2024

Praying Christine, for you and your dear friend and her family, the medical staff and all concerned.

by 02kar Moderator 21 Jun 2024

This is scary and heartbreaking news. You know that we will be praying for Christie, her family, the medical team and you throughout. Please do keep us informed and we all hope that you and Christie will be meeting again and sharing lots of laughter and stitching.

by dailylaundry 21 Jun 2024

We all just want her to be well!! Prayers and the most positive thoughts for Christie and her family. Thank you, Christine for keeping us updated!!!

by sdrise 21 Jun 2024

Prayers coming for sure.. !!! Keep us informed.

by zoefzoef 21 Jun 2024

sending lots of hugs and prayers

by asterixsew Moderator 20 Jun 2024

Oh Christine I am so sorry to hear this news, please send my love and good good wishes to her from us here on Cute. I too hope that you are able to get together for one of your sewing marathons

by graceandham 20 Jun 2024

Joining with you in prayer.