by pennifold 23 Jun 2024

Hi gals, well it was a wet weekend but I managed to get some photos of Mum in her room and in the garden area.

I'm sorry they are smaller than normal, but I had to reduce their size to be on here.
I did Mum's hair when I got there yesterday as the nurses had washed it, but not styled it like she is used to.
It's been very cold here which is unusual, because it's not normally too cold here on the east coast of Australia, but Mum feels the cold.
Hope you all had a great weekend, love Chris

1. Room looking out to the Robinia trees (losing their leaves at the moment)
2. Room looking from the outside in.
3. Mum sitting down after I'd done her hair
4. Mum walking outside,there was a lady on her right but I edited her out of the photo.
5. Mum talking to me whilst turning her walker.
6. The little garden bed where I'd planted the pansies, Lobelia and Primulas (not in view in the picture)
You can see all the leaves from the Robinia trees are falling all over the ground and in the raised garden bed.


by cfidl 25 Jun 2024

Chris, your Mom is wonderful, and so are you. Best wishes and stay warm, while I am overheating.

by airyfairy 25 Jun 2024

Your mum is looking amazing. She has a beautiful room to live in as well. You care for her so well. A hug for you dear Chris. Hope you and Trevor are well.

by dailylaundry 24 Jun 2024

Your Mum looks so lovely! The trees and flowers outside her window are beautiful! Pat yourself on the back, Chris. You are doing your best to keep your Mum comfortable and happy and it shows. Thanks for sharing! Bunches of hugs!!

by gerryvb 24 Jun 2024

hank you for sharing the pictures, I suppose she loves the new room and garden. it looks lovely and so does mum.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Thanks Gerry, she seems to enjoy her new area, although she still tends to sleep out in the TV area in one of those lounge chairs. I hope she will eventually get to rest in her bedroom. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 24 Jun 2024

Your Mum looks wonderful, and the beautiful background is lovely. I'm so glad she is doing so well and able to be outside enjoying the last bit of warmth before winter sets in for you.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

HI Karen, it's already Winter here, we begin ours on the 1stt June and it's been very cold so far. We aren't used to it!! I'm glad Mum is doing well, she still needs to eat a bit more as she's losing weight. The Care Manager rang me and things have been put in place to help her with more filling foodstuffs. I told her Mum loves Zucchini Slice, Quiches, Roast Potatoes or Potato Bake, custard, ice cream, anything that is soft basically and at her aged, I think she should be able to eat what she likes. Love Chris

by sdrise 24 Jun 2024

What a beautiful view and room mum has now. She looks happy and always looks so nice with her hair done and nice clothes. You take such great care of her. Thanks for letting us get a peek and posting the photos. Suzanne

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Hi Suzanne, thanks and I know she's in a more secure area too and with only 16 people it's not so crowded, more room for her to move about. She loves going outside in the garden area and once Spring is here in September, I'm sure she will be out there more often. Love Chris

by dragonflyer 24 Jun 2024

Your Mum's new room looks lovely and the grounds are beautiful. So nice she has such a lush surrounding view from her room and access to the lovely garden area...

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Hi Kim, yes, Mum has a lovely place to live in and would you believe the Nursing Home is only 100 metres up the road from where she lived, although she doesn't know that anymore.. The grounds are beautiful and the building is only 5 years old. Love Chris

by mariagiannina 24 Jun 2024

Hello Chris, what a lovely room Mum has, view of the garden, and a lovely area to walk in, much better for her being on the ground floor.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Hi Mary, I didn't take a picture of her bathroom but that is on the right hand side of the picture out of view. It's a bit smaller bathroom than the one she had up on the second floor, which I think is more suitable for her. She gets a bit agro when the nurses try to do her morning care, which is to be expected! Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 23 Jun 2024

Chris thanks for the pictures. Your mum has a lovely room. I have not heard of the tree you mention so I looked up to find out.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Hi Caroline, the Robinia trees are gorgeous an almost Chartreuse yellow/green leaf and can grow quite tall. I'm sure these will be trimmed to retain a nice shape. Mum seems very content, but still prefers to sleep out in the loungeroom area. Maybe she likes the company! Love Chris

by olly 23 Jun 2024

Your mum is very blessed to have such a loving, caring and doting daughter. I trust that your mum is well after her surgery with no niggling pain in this chilly weather that we are having.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2024

Hi Coral, thanks for your lovely comments. Mum is amazing, she never complains about pain in her hips, but she is given Panadol every day, so that must cover it. Love Chris