by anitapatch 6d ago

An old towel now got three girls. Made them on a beige fabric , if sawn direct on the towel their skin would been green


by sonjapotgieter 2d ago

So Pretty!!Great design!!

by Tu2ml 5d ago

They look like they are enjoying the beach. Lovely design for a towel. Well done.

by justonlyme 5d ago

Awesome work!! I love your ladies.
I have a question. Almost 15 years ago, I stitched out a design that was very similar to this and put it on a bag. For the life of me, I cannot remember where I got the design. ''where did you find yours? Just curious.

bemara by bemara 5d ago

I had the three girls on a patchwork fabric, I downloaded it the day before yesterday from a French site as a freebie :-)

sharonleekesner by sharonleekesner 4d ago

What is the name of the French site? This is darling.

MoiraF by MoiraF 1d ago

The French website is https://lagrange-aux-loups.over-b...
Scroll down and go to former pages, as that design was listed about a week ago

by dailylaundry 5d ago

Adorable!!! Hugs to you!

by bevnorris 5d ago

The little green men would have been very happy to see them ;-)!
They look lovely. Congratulations!

by worthy 6d ago

Very nice , or skin should be turning red if they stay out to long. ;-)
Lovely idea