by toogie 26 Jun 2024

Hello Cuties ! Nora is my eleven year old (will be the 26th of July) granddaughter. She started this top August 2023 but only got to work on it, when she comes here. She was very good to keep her seam allowances even, but I trimmed her edges after her seams, with the pinking shears for her. I did that and would press her seams or rows, while she was sewing the next one. She finished today because she’s been able to work on it since Monday. Her mom is away this week, so their dad brings them here every day while he’s working. ( Mom drove the church bus with teenagers to church camp in another state.) Anyway, it allowed Nora time to finish her top. I asked her if I could show all of you and so she’s looking forward to reading what you think of her first quilt. I will do the actual quilting once we decide if she wants Minky or batting and cotton backing. Here are a few pictures I took over time and when I remembered.-lol- It a heavy load so look for finish below. Oh I also will square her outer edges so she will end up with triangle edges. I may quilt it before trimming , not sure yet. She used 5 inch squares and it ended up 57 x 82 inches.

Look close at the smile she has on her face in #8
I told her every quilter has this smile when the patchwork is finally done- lol

A friend of mine and her daughter popped in before church service tonight. When I told her she came at the right time to see what Nora made my friend told her it was so pretty, good job etc!
Tomorrow we will present quilts to 8 veterans ( 2 are my quilts for Marines) and also foster kids camp. I will bring Avery, Nora and Gus with me to see all the quilts. If I can take pictures and tend to kids-lol I will show you those,too. I asked Nora if she wanted to bring her top if she got it finished today. This morning she said No but when it was finished this afternoon, she said yes!-lol
Have a good night! I’m beat. Looking forward to mom coming home Friday night-lol❤️Toogie


by jrob Moderator 22 Jul 2024

Oh, Nora! What a beautiful quilt. You have made a work of art that will be with you and enjoyed the rest of your life. Quilts are such special pieces that can be handed down from generation to generation and they become more precious with every one. You should be so proud of yourself! I wish that I had started quilting at a much younger age. I hope your quilting journey brings much so much pleasure. Happy birthday in a few days!!!

by cfidl 21 Jul 2024

She did a great job. The color combinations are perfect, and I like the dark border. Have fun with you next one, May be include some embroidered squares. I'm sure Grandma will make a label for you to mark this special time.

by babash 19 Jul 2024

Wow that is beautiful. What a clever girl. Worth waiting for the time to do it.
She can be so proud of herself love the colour combinations.
Barbara from Australia.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 Jul 2024

I’m very proud of our Nora, thank you. I actually have her backing out this morning trying to fit it to her top. I don’t know if I’m up for the challenge of quilting again, but I have to try again sometime so this might be it. I’ll let you know if I can get it done.

by Midnight1 11 Jul 2024

Beautiful quilt. Appreciate seeing all the pictures. Hope you continue to sew. First person I have found that shares the same birthday day
Early Happy Birthday.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 12 Jul 2024

She is with me now and smiled as I read your comment aloud to her. Thank you and Happy early Birthday to you too!

by mariagiannina 03 Jul 2024

Well done Nora!! Love the colours you chose!
My daughter made a quilt when she was 11 as well.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 03 Jul 2024

Do you have a picture so we can see? I’d love to show Nora.
I will repeat my question I asked below. How old is your daughter now & is she still making quilts?

by pennifold 03 Jul 2024

WOW! WOW! WOW! Hi Toogie, this is just gorgeous. Please congratulate Nora on such a beautiful quilt. You are so generous with your time and I'm sure Nora appreciated all the help and suggestions you gave her. Well done also with having the boys at the same time. I know how you feel!
I'm thinking of making another patchwork bag from SP this week in Purples, wish me luck. Love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 03 Jul 2024

You don’t need luck , you make very pretty bags from SPea. I will tell Nora. We are supposed to go shopping Friday for her backing.

by mops Moderator 30 Jun 2024

Well done, Nora. I love the colours. Isn't it nice to have a grandma who is such an inspiration to all of us.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jul 2024

Thank you mops and since she’s not here today, I will let her read this when I see her again.

by dragonflyer 30 Jun 2024

Great job, Nora! Your quilt is absolutely beautiful and I love the contrast of the dark purple border. You should be so very proud of yourself... I know we all are here! Please do show us after it is quilted and complete...and now, on to the next one!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jul 2024

Nora’s back home but she will read this when I see her.
I just told my husband we need to take her shopping to see if we can find Minky suitable. If not it’ll be cotton quilting fabric.

by mariagiannina 30 Jun 2024

Nora, what a great job you've done, and I love your colours! It's a great feeling when a quilt is finished, now you'll have to think about your next one.
my daughter made one too when she was 11.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 01 Jul 2024

Oh how sweet! How old is your daughter now and is she still making quilts? I do hope so and I hope Nora will want to make more.

by sewmadau 28 Jun 2024

Congratulations Nora on a very pretty quilt, the colours are gorgeous. You are a very talented young lady.
Looking forward to your next masterpiece.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 29 Jun 2024

I thank you and will give Nora your message. We are celebrating our’4th’ of July today at their house, so I will see her all day. I told her she needs to think about starting another one. She said let’s wait till this one is quilted-lol

by dailylaundry 27 Jun 2024

Oh my goodness - what a wonderful job, Nora!! I love, love, love the colors!! Well done - I bet you feel very accomplished - you should!!! Please remember - you have a skill now that will always stay with you! Hugs to you and your sweet Grandmother!!! Laura

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Laura, thanks for your support. I hope she continues to sew. This was a large undertaking for her but I’m glad she persevered. I think her next sewing should be something simple again like her things she made last year about this time. Now I will be forced to see if I can quilt again, with this crooked wrist.🙄Have a nice day!

by sewdoctor 27 Jun 2024

Love it,,, love her colors good job!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Thank you so much! She loves the comments as do I. I’m so proud of her!

by sharonleekesner 27 Jun 2024

So wonderful that she stuck with it. I love the picture of her laying it out on the floor. I think this is a darling quilt and those are some of my favorite colors. Kudos to her, this is quite the accomplishment. Last picture is triumph !!!!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Yes, her grandpa would always remind her that she needed to come work on it. I know for that reason alone she’s probably glad her parts done-lol I love the last picture too!

by dlonnahawkins 27 Jun 2024

Nora, such a beautiful job. Well done. Especially for such an 11-year-old beauty to accomplish.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Thank you so much. She loves reading the comments.

by mrskiki 27 Jun 2024

Beautiful job! I love the colors too. Welcome to the sewing world Nora. I know you will enjoy the adventure. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Nan , Nora read all the post and appreciates them. I told her where you were from. They just got back from a short trip in Texas in May.

by asterixsew Moderator 27 Jun 2024

Totally stunning and Congratulations Nora on making your first quilt. Toogie also congratulations for helping Nora with this super quilt. I note that you also had her brother Gus and Avery at the same time. You are one woman. Its lovely having grandchildren to stay or staying with them. I am hoping to have my girls here over the summer and to do some sewing and embroidery with them.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 28 Jun 2024

Enjoy your time when they do come. I know there will come a time they will be too busy to come when they grow up. Nora read all these post and thought she’s kinda quiet at times, she was smiling! Thank you