by zoefzoef 07 Jul 2024

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mops (Martine) from Norg- Netherlands on the 7th of July


by toogie 11 Jul 2024

Happy 'late 'birthday Martine! I do hope your day was wonderful and those you love shared it with you. Keep on knitting, embroidering, digitizing, and all the other things you so enjoy doing. Wishing you the best, always-Toogie

by dragonflyer 11 Jul 2024

Happy Belated Birthday...hope you had a wonderful day!

by orao 11 Jul 2024

Happy Birthday to you

by graceandham 10 Jul 2024

Happy belated birthday Martine. I have been "frying other fish."

by dailylaundry 09 Jul 2024

Happy Birthday, Martine! I hope you have a most wonderful day!! I send you love and lots of hugs, Laura

by lidiad 09 Jul 2024

Happy belated Birthday, Martine!
Hugs, Lidia

by gerryvb 08 Jul 2024

happy belated birthday !!!

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Jul 2024

Thank you!!

by jrob Moderator 08 Jul 2024

Happy birthday dear friend! I hope that your birthday was wonderful and that you were well celebrated! Much love, Jerrilyn

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Jul 2024

Thanks Jerrilyn. I had a great day. My sister and the youngest of my 3 brothers came over. At my age more and more of friends and family members have health issues, but there were a couple of local friends. My elder daughter and her partner visited. 3 of my 4 kids were away on vacation, surprisingly, unbeknown to each other, they all went to (different regions of) Italy. And all made use of mobile phones and sang Happy Birthday :)
I had a great day with lots of love and laughter.
Love, Martine

by maleah 08 Jul 2024

Happy birthday!

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Jul 2024

Thank you

by toshi 07 Jul 2024

Happy Birthday!

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Jul 2024

Happy Birthday Martine where ever you are and hope you are enjoying time with your family

1 comment
mops by mops 08 Jul 2024

Thank you. I had a nice day and the weather was great - nice after the rainy week we had had.