by sewmom 08 Jul 2024

I'm looking for tips to digitize words for hats/baseball caps. I know it needs a bit of a curve. Has anyone done these or know a tutorial for the digitizing portion of it? TIA


by dragonflyer 08 Jul 2024

Caps should be digitized to stitch from the bottom up and center out. John Deer has great tutorials. Here is a link to a few...

sewmom by sewmom 08 Jul 2024

Thank you. I most concerned with how much to curve the words. My design is mostly a word.

graceandham by graceandham 01 Aug 2024

Haven't tried hats, but it seems to me there are two basic shapes of hats: the boxier, high hat and the lower headed hats. (I think of the boxier ones for old fuddy duds.) I think the boxier ones are more straight where you would be stitching and would require less curve, unless it's a very long word. Hope this helps.