by asterixsew Moderator 12 Jul 2024

I was going to upload some picture of recently completed work but its not working. So ... instead I will write a bit as thats not compromised. Last weekend a good friends grand daughter came round to see what machine embroidery is all about. A new ME addict left the house. We sewed for about 5 hours and she completed a few pieces of work. The first was a the calligraphic bee from Urbanthreads which she chose to stitch out in greens and purples. The second of which I have no photo was a written piece created by herself. The last was a new dragon from UT which looked lke the 'new' dragon tattoo which she had recently had completed on her leg.

We had a great time and she is looking forwards to a repeat session (as am I) next time she comes to Wales to stay with her grandmother


by mrskiki 15 Jul 2024

How much fun! We all love sharing our craft with others and especially the next generation. Hugs. Nan

by toogie 13 Jul 2024

How exciting for her! It is always so heartwarming to hear of a new person wanting to learn. I hope we see what all she completes, as she learns. Great of you to take the time to teach her,too.

by dragonflyer 13 Jul 2024

What a great day you must have had...and especially for your friend's grand daughter! I love it when young ones want to learn about sewing and embroidery!

by pennifold 12 Jul 2024

How much that must have been Caroline. I hope at least one of our four granddaughters will follow in my footsteps. It's great teaching the younger generation new and old skills. Love Chris