by dailylaundry 29 Jul 2024

I just wanted to share pictures of some of my hydrangeas. Living in Michigan flowers tend to bloom later than in other areas!! Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs and flowers to all! Laura


by zoefzoef 30 Jul 2024

lovely !!!
Did you know that the blue ones (color) are the hardest to achieve ?
It all depends on the quality of the ground

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 30 Jul 2024

I didn't know that!!! They turn blue every year!! They are on the northern side of our house - while the pink ones are on the west side (front of our house). I did hear the same think that soil makes a big difference! Thanks and bunches of hugs!!!

by toogie 29 Jul 2024

Yours are gorgeous! Mine have changed from pink to lavender to blue and now green! Lovely!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 30 Jul 2024

My blue ones were a beautiful pink and went through the same changes as yours (just think of the different climates we have!!). I just love them! Hugs!

by graceandham 29 Jul 2024

Gorgeous, gorgeous. Have you ever tried drying a bouquet of blooms for winter for the house? Enjoy all that pretty.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 30 Jul 2024

Have you dried yours?? I would love to know how to do it! Thanks and hugs!

by asterixsew Moderator 29 Jul 2024

Love your hydrangeas and thanks for sharing yours. This year they are blooming magnificently in my bit of the UK. I have a very small one I have grown in water from a piece that was knocked off the main plant last year. It has one flower head on and brightens up the time I spend washing up as I look at it

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 30 Jul 2024

I know what you mean about brightening your day - ours certainly make my day every time I look at them! Hugs!

by bemara 29 Jul 2024

Hello Laura, this year all my different hydrangeas are in full bloom and some of them are huge, this is probably because we have had such a rainy year here in Germany, hugs Maria

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 30 Jul 2024

Maria - it sounds like they are lovely!! Hugs!!