by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

Hi Cutes: Its been a while since I have posted anything here on Cute. I check in daily, but as I am not doing much embroidery anymore, I just look at all your projects etc.

The reason I am posting today is more for the old members that have been on Cute for a number of years.
I found out through Facebook, that Dolly Khodair passed away in May. Not sure of the cause, just that it was sudden.
She was a lovely person and willing to digitize designs for the members.
This is one of the designs she digitized for me. One for each member of my family. They still all have theirs and they are hung on the Christmas trees, every year.
I also put a picture of her in case you want to remember what she looked like.


by jrob Moderator 05 Aug 2024

Thank you for letting us know Jerri, I have sweet memories of Dolly.

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 06 Aug 2024

Your welcome.

by mrskiki 05 Aug 2024

Thanks Kim. I too have made that design for my family members. I often wonder about some of the “older” cuties. Hugs. Nan

getEdited - SELECT
by pennifold edited 01 Aug 2024

Hi Jerri, thanks so much for letting us know. I loved reading Dolly's messages and adored her digitising skills, as you know, I don't digitise. I'm always in awe of you guys who do.

Please send on my sympathy, prayers etc. when next you are in contact with Dolly's sister.

Love Chris,Newcastle, Australia

(For those who would like to have a look at Dolly's work I've included the url.)

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 02 Aug 2024

Thank you Chris for posting her link.

by gerryvb 01 Aug 2024

thank you so much for telling this sad news. I have made (and still do) this lovely snowman too. she was always such a lovely Cutie, my condoleances for her family and loved ones she left behind.

by dragonflyer 01 Aug 2024

Oh, that is so sad to hear...thank you for letting all of us know. Condolences to her family...

by pcteddyb 01 Aug 2024

Thank you for sharing - I too used her cute snowman ornaments.

by sdrise 01 Aug 2024

So sad She was a lovely talented generous person... Prayers for the family... Suzanne

by zoefzoef 01 Aug 2024

sad news indeed;
I also got those funny snowmen from her

are we talking about avatar name = dollyygk ?

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 01 Aug 2024


by dailylaundry 31 Jul 2024

Oh, this is sad news! Dolly was always such an upbeat person, very generous and loved her family so!! Thank you for letting us know!

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

I agree and your welcome> I thought the older members would like to know.

by rescuer Moderator 31 Jul 2024

Thank you for letting us know. She was a wonderfully generous Cutie.

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

Your welcome

by graceandham 31 Jul 2024

Though sad news, thanks for sharing with us. At Christmas we would have noted her absence for sure as she always checked in when she came to Florida. I never knew what she looked like, so thanks for the picture, too. There's a reason some call embroidery machines the "granny machine." We are all getting up there, or most of us!

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

Your welcome. I couldn't remember what her Avatar looked like, so posted a picture.

by asterixsew Moderator 31 Jul 2024

Oh how sad. I enjoyed her posts as they were a insight into part of the world I have not much knowledge. I would often start my moderating session in a morning with a interesting question posted by her. Yes she was very kind and helpful with her digitising skills. Thank you so much for letting us know this sad news.
I am also sorry to hear that you are not embroidering much these days. I know that my machines are often enjoying a break. My mind is planning ideas but they dont happen as much as they did. We are all getting older
Are you in contact with her sister? If so can you let her have a link to our memories of dollydk please? Thanks

by toogie 31 Jul 2024

I remember her posting about one of her sons weddings and she also sent me the design you are showing. Sorry to hear of her passing. It is so good Cuties keep up on each other so thanks for letting us know. She lived in Saudi if I remember and has a sister in Florida, maybe. …I wonder if it was a heart attack to occur suddenly. Always sad to hear of losing a Cutie. 💔

jerrib by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

Yes tour info is correct. Here sister said she hadn't been feeling well. Her lungs weren't working properly. She went into hospital and died 2 days later.

jerrib by jerrib 31 Jul 2024

Should read: Yes, your info is correct