by toogie 05 Aug 2024

Hi Cuties! It's been a while since I made an ITH bag but I made this one this morning. The flowers are here at Cute and only $1 (you can find the design in the link below) !

The ITH bag was a plain design I had from sewforum, so really I have used 2 designs.
This is another bus gift. The flowers stitched out wonderfully! Thank you Cute Embroidery!!!


by jrob Moderator 18d ago

Here's my love button 💕

1 comment
toogie by toogie 11d ago

Ah, thanks

by sonjapotgieter 19d ago


1 comment
toogie by toogie 11d ago


by pennifold 08 Aug 2024

Well done Toogie, these are always a welcome gift. Great stitching, love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 11 Aug 2024

You are so right, I use them for usb sticks, little things that get lost in the bottom of your purse, like nail clippers, bandaids, Benadryl

by dragonflyer 08 Aug 2024

Great bag, Toogie

1 comment
toogie by toogie 11 Aug 2024

Thanks I’ve got a bunch more now

by dailylaundry 05 Aug 2024

Just lovely - great stitching!! Hugs!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 06 Aug 2024

The design is really nice but my gray is a little too dark for you to see well in the picture,thanks.

by worthy 05 Aug 2024

Awesome another winner.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 06 Aug 2024

More important, another gift!-lol