by dlonnahawkins 14 Aug 2024

I just learned today that I will be having a total hip replacement on the 16th of September. This is something that has about put me out of commission for nearly 3 months. I have been having a lot of pain, and not able to function normally. I told the doctor's nurse yesterday, that I wasn't ready to have the "old lady diseases". LOL Both my husband and I have to attend a class for joint replacement surgeries held at the hospital. So, now to try to get the things they want me to have for the home here, and learn what I will be able to do, and what I won't. I know that many have had to go through with this, and I am sure that I will be able to do it too.


by sharonleekesner 29d ago

I had this done. First, I had a tumor in my spinal cord removed 10 years earlier, and the doctors kept relating my pain and further disabilities to the tumor and "you are getting older you know", you did have that tumor, you know". So disheartening. By the time someone finally listened to me, six years had passed. I could no longer drive, used a walker and was in terrible pain. When I was finally sent for xrays and an MRI the Orthopedic surgeon yelled at me. "Why did you wait so long". I explained all I had been through and he patted my hand, said, "wait right here", then he went out and told his scheduling nurse to get me in the line up for that year. She said he was booked into the next year, he said he didn't care, get me in there. (Poor nurse), Then I got an abscessed tooth and that delayed the surgery for 2 more months. I cried and cried, all worn out, broken, no hope in sight and again the doctor said it would be ok and somehow he worked me in. The day after the surgery he came into the room and said it was time for me to stand up. He and a nurse helped me and the minute I stood up I started crying and couldn't stop. The nurse kept asking why I was crying and I was so emotional I couldn't answer for a while. She was getting upset with me for wasting the doctors time. Finally I was able to choke out "it doesn't hurt anymore". The doctor laughed, gave me a hug and said, "it doesn't hurt anymore". Then we both said "it doesn't hurt anymore", and then we both laughed and kept saying "it doesn't hurt anymore". The nurse looked at us like we were a couple of loons. I went back to bed and slept like a baby. Yes, the incision was sore but pain was kept under control. There wasn't anymore bone on bone pain and after all those years, such a blessing. I pray this is the way it is for you too. Rehab therapies, do them religiously.

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 28d ago

Gracious....I thought my hurting for several months was bad. Up until about 2 years ago, I was walking 2-1/2-3 miles a day. I took a fall while out walking, got up, and finished but by the time I got home I knew I was going to be sore. I have x-rays done, but nothing broken, but I have had issues since then. It was getting really bad this year. I hope that I have the luck you do with it. Hugs

sharonleekesner by sharonleekesner 28d ago

Good for you for realizing there is something that can be done. I know what I wrote was long and drawn out but I want you to know you are not alone. There are just so many people that have suffered, needing joint replacements and sometimes sharing the experience gives strength. Prayers and blessings,

by jrob Moderator 15 Aug 2024

My friend who had it said that the first few days were difficult, but after that she wondered why she had waited so long! I will pray for your speedy recovery and ability to do what your team needs you to.

by dragonflyer 15 Aug 2024

I am sure you will feel so much better after your recovery...You got this!

by asterixsew Moderator 14 Aug 2024

You will be fine and good luck with it

by pcteddyb 14 Aug 2024

Yes, you can do it! My husband had this done and while it was rough for a few days after surgery, that passed and everything was SOOOO much better! The therapy after the surgery will also be very helpful.