by sdrise 28d ago

Prayer warriors... Could you say some prayers for me. I am going in the hospital Monday the 19th at 7 am.. I am having a knee replacement done. Afterwards is a bear to get back on my feet.

We have had a tough week with the cats and other things happening. I am a bit down. I need some prayers... Thank you all in advance.. You are all God sent wonderful people. Suzanne


by dailylaundry 26d ago

Absolutely, Suzanne - prayers your way. I hope the surgery went easy. Be patient with yourself for healing! Loads of hugs, Laura

by maleah 26d ago

Prayers being said for a successful surgery and fast healing. I have gone through it 7 years ago with great satisfaction.

by zoefzoef 26d ago

prayers are being send
take care !

by gerryvb 26d ago

prayers and hugs are coming your way !!

by graceandham 26d ago

Praying for ease and bountiful sleep Sunday night.

by airyfairy 27d ago

I think these days it is fairly common op. I have a friend and he has had both knees done. He is like a different person with no pain. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

by jrob Moderator 27d ago

I am praying for you dear Suzanne. I will set an alarm for Monday, but I'm going to "pre-pray" (is that a word?) that you will not feel anxious nor worried about anything.

by asterixsew Moderator 27d ago

All will go well for this op and afterwards you will be so glad that you went through the surgery. Positive thoughts coming your way

by pennifold 27d ago

Hi Suzanne, yes, I will say prayers for your forthcoming surgery. Do everything your doctor says and keep up the physiotherapy, it really helps. Hoping that your cats are improving by now too. Love Chris

by loriziegler 27d ago

Tons of prayers coming your way!

by graceandham 27d ago

You are in my prayers, of course. Say one for my son for Monday. Big heart appointment.

by 02kar Moderator 28d ago

I am so looking forward to you being able to put this 2nd knee replacement behind you and having so much less pain and so much more mobility. You know I have been praying for you and will continue to pray until you are back on your feet. And Dave is included in my prayers.

by dragonflyer 28d ago

Wishing you a smooth surgery and speedy recovery. You got this Suzanne!

by dlonnahawkins 28d ago

Wishing all the best for you. I too am having to process a joint replacement. My issue is that I am having to take care of my husband with heart issues, and don't know how we can care for him like I have been doing. I don't look forward to the 3–6-month recovery time. But, we are Cuties....we can do it. Hugs

by sharonleekesner 28d ago

Prayers of course. I've had 3 joint replacements in less than 2 years. Hip and both knees. I am not young. I am blessed. You have to dig right in and do your therapy afterwards. Time goes so fast and the results are so rewarding. Look forward with Hope.

by mrskiki 28d ago

Keeping you in my prayers every day. Hugs. Nan