by noah 17d ago

I have been working on these towels on what John calls the night shift lol

Kin helped me with the design.Thanks kim
These are for a church in the next town over.There is 21 of them LFA means living Faith Assembly


by sebsews 8d ago

Nice job. They will love them for sure!

by pennifold 12d ago

You certainly are a super sewer Carolyn, with such a generous heart. I've not been doing much sewing as I'm with Mum every other day. Life is busy. I've got some lovely white hand towels just waiting for me to put designs on, just need a day free! Love Chris

1 comment
noah by noah 12d ago

Thanks Chris getting old is not for wimps lol

by asterixsew Moderator 15d ago

Curious as to what time your nightshift is but the work and cause are great

1 comment
noah by noah 14d ago

Well, last night i was hurting(got bottom teeth out) So it was around 3 :):)

by jrob Moderator 16d ago

How kind of you!

1 comment
noah by noah 16d ago

Thank-you :):)I try!!!

by peafarm 16d ago

You are very gracious in giving and a Light in your community. You are a daytime/nighttime owl to me----I don't think you ever sleep. Still gardening, preparing your pantry, filling your freezer. You are an all over girl. Wished I had your spunk. A spark would do me--no that isn't right--it would take a torch for me to 'get with it'. I still get brain fog from this cancer. I had to quit thinking about my Noah's Ark UFO quilt so gave the brain a rest and made 18 charity dresses and 15 pair of boy shorts for whatever country this Dr. charity group goes to. Now burned out again but at least reflection made me realize what to do to my quilt blocks, lol.

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noah by noah 16d ago

Oh my pea farmer I don;t sit still too long lol Today I got all my bottom teeth out now I might have to sit still they heal a day or two.I wanted to pick some blueberries yet.big hugs xxxxx

by dailylaundry 17d ago

These are wonderful!! You must be a night owl!!! Bunches of hugs to you!!!

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noah by noah 16d ago

you got that right lol

by worthy edited 17d ago

WOW, Great job. Bless your giving heart.

1 comment
noah by noah 16d ago

Thanks for your kind words xxxx

by sonjapotgieter 17d ago

Well done..Awesome!!

1 comment
noah by noah 16d ago

Thanks 4 stopping by:):)

by dragonflyer 17d ago

Nicely done, Carolyn...and wow, you did a lot of them!

1 comment
noah by noah 16d ago

She said 10 to 20 but got 21 lol Thank-you for your help xxxxx