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by airyfairy ( edited 16d ago ) 16d ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Cute site. A big thank you to Ms Veronika for all she does for us in making the site what it is.


by pennifold 14d ago

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Veronika (Cute)
Happy birthday to you.

Thanks for all the wonderful designs you have made for us over the years. Love and blessings Chris

by tinfriend 14d ago

Happy Birthday to Cute Embroidery and a BIG thank you to Ms Veronika for ALL that she gives to us so generously! I appreciate it most sincerely! HUGS

by orao 15d ago

Happy Birthday to you

by 02kar Moderator 15d ago

A very happy birthday to Cute and her sister sites and to Miss V for all of her love, work and time lavished on us all.

by maleah 15d ago

Happy birthday to the best site. Thank you for being here..

by jrob Moderator 15d ago

Yes, yes, yes!

by toogie 15d ago

Happy Birthday Cute Embroidery!!!
Thanks to you, Mrs Veronica and moderators for keeping this site safely going.

by dailylaundry 16d ago

Happy Birthday to Cute Embroidery! We love this site and Ms Veronika's lovely designs!! I hope everyone has a most wonderful day!! I send you love and lots of hugs, Laura

by asterixsew Moderator 16d ago

Happy Birthday to all of us here as its Cute Embroidery's birthday. Thanks to Miss V for creating Cute so we can all share our embroidery life

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 16d ago

Thank you Caroline