by tinfriend 14d ago

Morning Cuties, PLEASE may I ask for your kind assistance in helping me VOTE for the Letters J & K of the Classical Monogram Font on Amazing Embroidery Designs website? Unfortunately I cannot give you the exact website link for the Letters as they change constantly! I would sincerely appreciate your assistance as I missed these when I was in hospital recently having a n operation, from which I am still trying to recover! Thanks in advance!HUGS


by tinfriend 12d ago

Thank you to all that voted - I now have the Letter J and only need the Letter K! Hopefully I will manage to get that Letter too! HUGS

by genin 13d ago

Voted for today, good luck

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 12d ago

Thank you so much! I now have the J and only need the Letter K!x

by tinfriend 13d ago

Thank you so much to all that have voted! I really appreciate your time and assistance! I see at the moment J is on page 1 and K is on page 2! HUGS

by dailylaundry 14d ago

I voted for the J but looked all over for the K and couldn't locate it. Hugs!

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 13d ago

Thank you so much! I see at the moment K is on page 2! HUGS

by genin 14d ago

It's Ok your are on page 1, good luck

1 comment
tinfriend by tinfriend 13d ago

Thank you so much! I see at the moment K is on page 2! HUGS