by mrskiki 13d ago

I am going on a cruise with a group of ladies from my neighborhood soon. Decided to make some goodies for them, including flags to hang on our doors. I hope they like it all. Hugs. Nan


by sebsews 11d ago

Wow great gifts! Have a great time.

by mops Moderator 12d ago

Nice gifts. Have a wonderful time!

by pennifold 12d ago

Great work Nan and I'm sure your trip will be wonderful. The ladies will love their gifts. Love Chris

by worthy 12d ago

Neat idea and sure they will enjoy. Great job

by brendalea 13d ago

Like the designs, I'm also going on a cruise/quilting cruise to Alaska.
Could you let me know where the designs are from? Thank you and enjoy your cruise.

dreamssewn by dreamssewn 12d ago

I most definitely agree. These are wonderful designs. I've been making something to put on our doors for a group of 10 for the past couple of years. Would love to make these for them for Feb.

mrskiki by mrskiki 12d ago

brendalea I have sent you a PM with the info.

dreamssewn by dreamssewn 11d ago

Would you please send me the same info you sent to brendalea. Thank you. Sandie

by peafarm 13d ago

Oh, how fun! Wished I could be on that adventure and have this fun flag.

by dailylaundry 13d ago

What a great idea!! Wish I was going with you - lol!!! Great stitching! Hugs!

by gwillmann 13d ago

Love this. Have a fun trip.