by dailylaundry 13d ago

On August 30, we were presented with our newest grandson, Quinn Charles. He was 7lbs 9 oz and 21 1/2 inches. New Mom and Quinn are doing just great (New Dad is too). That is two new Grandsons this year - just 6 months apart born to our youngest sons - who are twins - the new little Grandsons don't look anything alike - lol...

I stitched this - mostly to try out the font and if our bonus daughter likes it - I'll be doing a onesie with it. Hope all that makes sense!! Flowers and hugs to all! Laura


by peafarm 4d ago

I do love these style bibs and love his name. I hope these little 'un's' live near you so you can squeeze and hug them all you want.

by jrob Moderator 5d ago

Congratulations and the bib is adorable. I love his name.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 5d ago

Thank you, Jerrilyn!! I love his name too!!!! Hugs!

by asterixsew Moderator 8d ago

How exciting to have grandsons that have been born so close to each other. Quinn's bib is lovely. Hope you get lots of cuddles with them both

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 5d ago

Both babies are so sweet - I am so proud of their parents. It is hard being a new parent and they are doing such a good job! Hugs!

by Mleodore 9d ago

Congratulations 🎈

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 8d ago

Thank you - thank you!!! Hugs!

by sebsews 11d ago

Congratulations on your baby grandsons! Love the bib! You always do such nice work.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 8d ago

Oh such kind words - thank you. Half the battle is trying to come up with the "right" font and it's size. Of course onesies are a challenge being to tiny!! Thank you and hugs!!

by sharonleekesner 12d ago

How lovely to have more family in such nice little packages. Lovely gift you have made.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 12d ago

Thank you for your kind words!! Hugs to you!

by pennifold 12d ago

That's awesome news Laura, congratulations to all families. We have 2 grand-daughters born 8 weeks apart and they are beautiful. I love the name Quinn. Love Chris

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 12d ago

Thanks Chris! Those two lovely granddaughters of your have beautiful names too!!!! Thanks bunches!

by worthy 12d ago

Wonderful and congratulations, very nice bib.
Now to your job....... Spoiling them ;-)

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 12d ago

I love the spoiling part!!! I am working on the onesie right now! Thank you!!

by graceandham 12d ago

Double congratulations to you and the family. I hope they will be close cousins for being so close in age. Cuddles and hugs and rocking.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 12d ago

Our two youngest sons and their wonderful wives will definitely make sure these two cousins are close. They will be camping, hiking and playing golf right along with their parents!! Thank you!