by toogie 03 Sep 2024

Hello Cuties! Great and mostly good news on Nora!

The dr called today. She said they all studied Nora’s test and concluded there is no cancer or autoimmune disease present. Amen! That was our biggest worry.
Dr said Nora does have a lot of lymph nodes but not uncommon in CHILDREN. The 5 masses on the back of her neck are just swollen lymph nodes, NOT solid masses as we were told by radiologist here. Dr said earlier on Nora could have had an infection that went undetected and they are still swollen from that. (I had read they could be swollen for 6 weeks or more.) it has been longer than 6 weeks.
She still said though, the nodule between her thyroid glands will continue to be monitored. It’s very small right now and way too small to biopsy. Thank God.
She wants to see Nora again in 3 months. The chest X-ray showed a shadow behind the heart that wasn’t clear. She said it needs to be looked at again to see if something is,or is not, developing. May be too early to tell just what.
So we are so very thankful of all the good news and hope nothing develops any further with the nodule or the lungs. Prayers should be continued for this.
We have all been waiting anxiously but we don’t realize how the kids are anxious too. Nora’s little brother Gus cried when he heard Nora was going to be okay. They may have their sibling bouts but they do love each other.
Thank you, as I know you too are waiting to hear. It’s been a long process and a longer holiday weekend, just waiting for a call. Bless you all dear friends.❤️Toogie


by peafarm 12 Sep 2024

So glad I came back to here to read. Stay diligent in Nora's care. Ask questions--plenty of them of all Dr's involved since you may get different information. Praise God for what you've received so far in her diagnosis.

by lidiad 11 Sep 2024

My best wishes and a hug to Nora and the whole family, dear Toogie!

by jrob Moderator 09 Sep 2024

I could have sworn I hit submit and few days ago.......
I am so happy, happy, happy to hear this news! I will continue to pray about the lungs and the nodule. God, hear our prayers!

by gerryvb 09 Sep 2024

wonderful !!!

by mariagiannina 09 Sep 2024


by 02kar Moderator 06 Sep 2024

Happy happy dance to hear the good news. I'm glad Nora will continue to be monitored though. Hugs to you all with big smiles too. can't wait to tell my handsome hubby the latest. And yes, our prayers will continue.

by sebsews 05 Sep 2024

Great news! Sounds like the doctor is checking everything out. Gus is a sweety too.

by pennifold 05 Sep 2024

Hi Toogie, that is such uplifting news. I'm so happy for you all to receive that information. May Nora continue to heal and grow up healthy. God bless you all, love Chris

by dragonflyer 04 Sep 2024

Great news Toogie!

by stork 04 Sep 2024

Wonderful news!! Continued prayers and hugs!!

by sharonleekesner 04 Sep 2024

This is wonderful news and prayers will continue. A person just wants to cry with relief. Bless little Gus, siblings can fight like cats and dogs, but when it comes to a crisis, they are there for each other. Many blessings.

by airyfairy 04 Sep 2024

Best new ever. Must be such a relief for you all. Sending much love your way. Special love to Nora.

by mrskiki 04 Sep 2024

Sending prayers of thanksgiving for your wonderful news. Hugs. Nan

by graceandham 03 Sep 2024

Sounds like they have been thorough and very careful. Glad she met with such good caregivers.

by asterixsew Moderator 03 Sep 2024

toogie this is excellent news and what a relief for all your family

by dailylaundry 03 Sep 2024

The power of prayer!!!! Wonderful news for Nora. Her doctor sounds wise to check up on a few things in 3 months. That means she is thorough. Thanks for sharing - loads of hugs to you, Nora and your whole family! Laura