by dailylaundry 7d ago

I personalized a sweet little bunny for new Grandson, Quinn. Thanks for taking a look! Flowers and hugs for all. Laura


by pennifold 3d ago

Hi Laura, great job on this and I'm so glad that he is close by. It's always great to be near the grands. Love Chris

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 3d ago

Thanks Chris!! You are right - we are so very lucky to be close by both of our new little grands! Hugs!

by asterixsew Moderator 4d ago

Lucky Quinn Charles. Glad to hear he has arrived and hope you dont live too far away from him

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 4d ago

He lives very close by thank goodness! He is already smiling and is a sweet baby!! Thank you!!

by worthy 6d ago

How precious, wonderful treasure and great job.

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 5d ago

Thanks bunches!

by dragonflyer 6d ago

Very cute Laura... I love the fabric of the blanket. It looks so cuddly!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 5d ago

It is very soft!! Thank you!!

by justonlyme 7d ago

That is a great way to make a "lovie" for a baby!! Awesome job!!

1 comment
dailylaundry by dailylaundry 5d ago

Thank you - thank you!