by graceandham 1d ago

Did you miss me? 6 days to get new hard drive installed. I was in fairly bad shape without friends to chat with here. And I missed Toogie's birthday I think. Hope it was blessed. I've been sort of back online for about 2 hours and I'm having to look up my passwords and sign back in everywhere. Apparently I won't be allowed by my new hard drive's software to sign in on the sister sites until forever, whenever she gets all fixed. So, no rushing to read and DL and chitchat. Very disappointing. Especially the sister sites part.


by sewmadau 3h 3m ago

There is only one thing worse than losing your computer, No internet. "G"
Welcome back.

by asterixsew Moderator 17h ago

Welcome back. I now pass my computer to a son in law to sort. 20 years ago I was teaching a classroom of children computing skills. Couldnt do that any more

by dragonflyer 17h ago

Glad you are back up and running is so stressful for me when I need to get a new computer or reinstall the operating system and start all over...Such a relief when all is back to "normal."

by gerryvb 20h ago

well, it's good to see you here again, welcome back !!

by dailylaundry 1d ago

It is always difficult for me to get a new computer set up and working! I do understand what you are saying! Take your time and before you know it - it will be working seamlessly!! Hugs to you!!!