Typical and best way to handle a ridiculous situation.
Reminds me of my first, MIL & FIL, they would go for months without talking after a 'blue'. I could never see the point in any of it, except to be the butt of a joke, until their son started it with us and I was grateful for the peace and quiet LOL!.
hnr, M
Thanks for the laugh! It is a good way to start the day! *4U all!
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-ROFLMAO-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! I better stop now--my parrots are laughing too and with 4 of them it is LOUD!!!!! (ha-ha--quietly laughing) Go jrob!!!!
This is so funny however my son just came in and informed me of what ROFLMAO means _thought it was in another language, but now see this as absolutely hilarious - *4U
This is so funny, I remember when I was very young, my G.Mother wasn't speaking to G.Pa. 4 2 wks. she would say(with G.Pa n the rm)" tell daddy so & so"( she always called him daddy). My bro. & I got so tired of passing the messages back & forth we tried to stay as far away as we could, but we would crack up with laughter out of their hearing range. The thing about it was she was mad at G. Pa cause he spanked my little bro.& he knew it . He really really deserved that swat he got. this was back home n Macon, Ga. & G.Pa was a farmer.
Another "Georgia Girl"! How I love Georgia! I have lots of fond memories of that beautiful state.
Bred, born & raised there stitchship, never left 'till after I was married. I still have fmly there so get back whenever I can