by joaniessw 22 Jul 2008

Or, hopefully, just misplaced it. I am going to do some back=up of files and photos today. Ladies pls reember to keep your computers backed-up too. Love and miss you all. Flower for all. This pic I took on one of my outings.


by shirleysisson 23 Jul 2008

Your hoop is just resting in the 'black hole' and as everyone says, when you're not looking for it , it will appear!! Glad to know you're doing fine. *4U

by adelmarie 22 Jul 2008

Don't worry, It always happends to me. When I am desperate looking for something about to pull my hair, I will just leave it. A couple of days later... Pufff!! apears

by shirlener88 22 Jul 2008

Oh Joanie, you have been missed and I am so sorry to hear that you are unable to locate your hoop - hopefully it wasn't with the things that went to the thrift shop. Glad to hear that you have had the bike in for a check-up and it does seem weird that you haven't gotten it out so much. Keep in touch!

by letvia 22 Jul 2008

Thank you Joanie. You have been missed. Flower and XoXo

by loish 22 Jul 2008

Glad to see you here. You are missed. Hope all is going well for you. Wonderful flower picture. Love and * to you.

by colonies1 22 Jul 2008

yep it is just misplaced it will show up when you don't want every time. *4u

by jrob Moderator 22 Jul 2008

That's georgous Joanie! Do you know what kind of flower it is? I don't know as I've ever seen it. I just know your hoop will show up. Good to keep the baby's shots and all up to date ;)

by emily16838 22 Jul 2008

Don't worry it will turn up...Just pretend not to look for your hoop and then it will pop out of hidding. Thanks for the backup reminder

by joaniessw 22 Jul 2008

Ok, here is the pic ;) ><>

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 22 Jul 2008
