You go, girl, so glad to have you with us and contributing on this forum. Thanks Jerrilyn, for noticing. Luv y'all. Marji
Congratulations NMM on your fast -growing bouquet. *4U Jerrilyn for posting.
Thanks Jerrilyn for posting & *4U. NMM, congratulations! You have really come along so quickly, how truly amazing that is. WOW!
Wow congratulations now a little fan fare to go with the nice tiara jrob has given U Here's a * for Jerilyn
Congratulations! And flower for Jerrilyn for noticing.
CONGRATULATIONS! So nice to have you here in the Cute family. Thanks, jrob, for spotting this. These flowers are sprouting up all over, too fast to keep up with. Flowers and Love, Lois
Congratulations! Wow what a pretty bunch of flowers and a lovely tiarra!
Congratulations nonmusicmom. You hit a milestone in large amounts of flowers. Can you smell them?
Here's your well earned tiara! Now you are an official Cute and not a cutette anymore! TaDah!