by joaniessw 30 Jul 2008

computer, but not net so I'm using Debbie's computer in here front office I cleaned out. I did get my old comp out of storage last nite so will hook it up today temporarily. I did an embroidery design with my 11yr old niece while she was here. She LOVED it. Will post it when I get my old comp up and running. Love and miss you. Blessings and flowers. ><>


by lbrow 30 Jul 2008

So very good to hear from u joanie, comeback more often please. we miss U *4U

by anna25775 30 Jul 2008

glad to see you back Joanie, we missed you sweetie and look forward to having you here more often. hope your comp won't cause more trouble. hugs and flowers from Germany ***

by clawton 30 Jul 2008

Sounds like you are slowly getting it back together.

by shirleysisson 30 Jul 2008

Great to hear from you. *4U

by auntbaba 30 Jul 2008

Great to hear from you again....Barb

by marymoore 30 Jul 2008

get back here soon

by loish 30 Jul 2008

So glad you came by! You've been missed and worried about. Hope all continues to improve and you get back to embroidery and us.

by jrob Moderator 30 Jul 2008

Get busy girl and get that thing back up and going....we miss you!

by relaxsew 30 Jul 2008

Hope everything gets going for you soon. Can't wait to see the new design.

by simplyrosie 30 Jul 2008

Joanie, I have missed you dearly! I'll try getting a hold of you later. xoxo

by ezzemml 30 Jul 2008

Hope to see ya back soon.

by bikermomfl 30 Jul 2008

so glad to hear from you - silence is not always golden. Don't forget about us.

by mops Moderator 30 Jul 2008

I would miss it too!! Hope you'll be online soon with your computer set up again. Waiting to see the project you did with your niece.Flower for you.