by joaniessw 30 Jul 2008

Until then, I will use Debbies old one in the office when not in use to keep in touch. I just got my confirmation of purchase in my e-mail with statement that it will be mailed to old address?!?!?! NOT GOOD!! Had to quickly e-mail them to make sure it comes here. Will see about getting a pic or two out to y'al soon. Going to my niece's tmrw on my bike for a visit, weather permitting. Blessings and *'s ><>


by nglover1 01 Aug 2008

Glad you were able to get power supply, Enjoy your trip and be safe. A flower for you.

by lbrow 01 Aug 2008

Hope U get it soon Joanie. *4U

by joaniessw 31 Jul 2008

Checked e-mail this morning. :) Happy to say power supply will be heading my way. I have it insured, hence have tracking #. Flowers for all...yes I will take lots of photos...

by shirleysisson 31 Jul 2008

Enjoy your ride and be safe. *4U

by shirlener88 31 Jul 2008

Oh my Joanie, I hope that it didn't go to the old address! Have fun with the bike ride and visit. Please travel safe and take lots of pictures - you are very good with your camera. *4U

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 31 Jul 2008

Love the little poem above. Sweet, and so r u.

by adelmarie 31 Jul 2008

Sory to hear this, hope you get it all straighten out and get your computer set up. Good luck!