by coco128 04 Aug 2008

I have never had this problem w/any other designs. Normally I double-click and they open-this didn't work. I tried to unzip (extract) all files-that asked me for a password and then it said windows blocked the files to protect my computer. I went to START, MY COMPUTER, clicked on the file and then PROPERTIES, clicked to allow to open this file - that didn't work either. I have contacted seller again for 4th time this morning, but have not heard back yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. hugs & flowers for all ...


by lbrow 05 Aug 2008

Coco have u bn able yet to unzip the files? I have macafee also. R U absolutely sure there is no firewall blocking the download? I'm not all that computer literate, but this once happened to me & my SIL said my personal firewall was blocking them somehow it disconnected that & I was then able to DL. Have u tried rebooting your computer? sometimes this helps solves problems. Hope by now u have solved your problems *4U

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

Hey girl, no not able to unzip and have not received reply from my e-mail requesting unzipped files. I'm sort of afraid to disconnect the firewall because what if for some stupid reason there is a virus, etc. can't chance not having computer .. it's like my embroidery machine - can't live w/out either ... yes, have rebooted ... thanks for your concern and input ...I really appreciate it ... will keep you up to date. *4u

by konalinda 05 Aug 2008

I sometimes get files that say they are password protected. Try selecting the zip file, then right click. Choose EXPLORE. you should then see what is inside the zip file. Just drag out whatever you want. Or, if the zip file is inside another folder, you might just left click it and the zip file will open. Again, just take out what you want.

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

Hi ... I tried all that and you know what, it won't let me drag the files to desktop .. really weird. won't let me do anything with them; but thank you so much for your help - really appreciate it. *4u

by misscharlie 05 Aug 2008

Not knowing what your anti virus protection is this is a tough one to solve. First make a new folder. Move the zip file to the folder. Right click on the zip file and scan with your anti virus. If you get a positive of a virus you can send the log to your anti virus and they can tell you exactly what the virus/bug/malware whatever is. Also some anti virus give a false positive AVG is notorious for it. If you get a negative no viruses detected Right click on the zip again and choose extract here. I will check back in a bit to see how it's going.

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

Hi, I have McAfee and I clicked on the file and did a scan .. no virus (supposedly). Did unzip again, but the same "password" block came up and then the windows block comes up. Thanks for your help - really appreciate it...*4u

by oldandgrey 05 Aug 2008

looks like the zip files are corrupt and contain virus or trojans. try scanning zips before unzipping. may work

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

I did scan, but still nothing. Thanks so much ...*4u

by joaniessw 04 Aug 2008

I only open up my zipped emb files thru my BuzzXplore. Sorry cannot help more. ><>

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

thanks motomamma - LOL (hope you're not offended - term of love) .. *4u

by grannyo 04 Aug 2008

Have you asked them to send it without zipping it? It doesn't HAVE to be zipped. Good luck. The stitches and instructions can be sent separately. Zipping is only to keep the files together and to shrink their size. Since you are having so much trouble, it seems that they can do it different for you this time. Try suggesting that to them. *4U

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 05 Aug 2008

No, I haven't ...I will try that and thanks so much for your help - really appreciate it ...*4u

by elaine45 04 Aug 2008

I don't know but here is a flower for you. I hope you get the help that you need.

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 04 Aug 2008

thank you and thanks for the flower ..*4u

by shirlener88 04 Aug 2008

Claudia, I think you have done anything that I would suggest - I am unsure why you can not open these files - whenever I get an attachment via email - it allows me to tell it to open the files - I usually do it at this time - rather than later. Good luck! *4U

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 04 Aug 2008

Thanks Shirlene, very frustrating..I was really looking forward to trying these. They are cute bibs and you attach a ribbon that holds a pacifier and of course they were 50% (only 5.00). In my last e-mail I described again the problems I was having and even mentioned that perhaps it easier to credit back my account. We'll see what happens ...thanks you ..

by mpo14011 04 Aug 2008

After you have downloaded the designs you should get a box come up on the left side of the screen. Click on Unzip files and follow the prompts.Also check to see if you have winzip on your computer. This is a free download to enable you to unzip zip files.

1 comment
coco128 by coco128 04 Aug 2008

yes, exactly, I followed the prompts, NEXT and then a box comes up asking for a password (what password???) and then another box comes up that says Windows will not allow opening of file in order to protect computer. thank you..