by misscharlie 05 Aug 2008

Does anyone have any idea about the that is coming? Like what is it and when it will be up and running?


by mops Moderator 06 Aug 2008

No idea, but it must be worth waiting for, don't you think.

1 comment
misscharlie by misscharlie 06 Aug 2008

I hope so, maybe a site for us to post pix of grand babies and children? lol *

by shirleysisson 06 Aug 2008

The suspense is killing. *4U

1 comment
misscharlie by misscharlie 06 Aug 2008

I know I'm just too nosey to not know. *

by adelmarie 05 Aug 2008

I guess is for Veronika to know and for us to wonder. *2U

by grannyo 05 Aug 2008

One of these days someone is going to give us the answer. Thanks for asking the question. *4 all

by dkjack 05 Aug 2008

No idea, but it must be something big or she wouldn't be teasing us. Hee Hee

by jrob Moderator 05 Aug 2008

inquiring minds want to know.........;)

by letvia 05 Aug 2008

Not idea. But for sure it will be something great as always. Flower and XoXo