by joaniessw 08 Aug 2008

I am packing to go with my niece for the week-end. I will meet her at her place early afternoon and head out. I will miss you ladies and gentlemen. Look forward to sharing pics when I get back.


by shirlener88 09 Aug 2008

Joanie, I hope you find this when you return and that you had a wonderful time with your niece and the weekend was fun for each of you. Travel well dear one!

by lbrow 08 Aug 2008

Have a good time joanie *4U

by nglover1 08 Aug 2008

Hope you have a nice weekend. Be safe.

by salsabil 08 Aug 2008

Waitung for the pictures, have a nice weekend!

by coco128 08 Aug 2008

Hey Joanie, sounds like trouble - LOL - hope you all have fun .. *4u ... did you get that power cord yet??

by letvia 08 Aug 2008

Enjoy your trip and your niece. I have all my family in Venezuela and I missed them so much. Take many, many pictures to share with us. Flower and XoXo

by mops Moderator 08 Aug 2008

Enjoy your weekend. I'll have may father (95) staying here for ten days (DH is picking him up right now) and I'm afraid I have to downsize my Cute-time considerably. So please, not to many posts!!!

by shirleysisson 08 Aug 2008

Enjoy the weekend away. Looking forward to your fabulous pics. *4U

by marymoore 08 Aug 2008

oh yes please do i love looking at pics from different areas where are you guys going?