Barb, thanks - I am sure the ones that have been asking - with adore this info.
Thanks I must have been on just as you were typing. thanks for posting it. *4u
be the underside. Turn roll and paper over so that the top side is up. Locate middle sheet and mark the middle of it. Lay this onto the hooped stabilizer, and arrange so that needle will enter the center marking. Lay a piece of transparent WSS on top of it. Start the embroidering, and just lightly hold the sheets together (away from the needle) until several stitches have been taken. From then on, everything will stay together. Don't worry if the WSS isn't perfectly flat while embroidering; it will be fine. When the design is finished, remove hoop from machine and then from TP. Trim cutaway so that it does not extend beyond the edges of the TP sheet. Fold sheets back onto roll. Carefully cut or tear away WSS. It's OK to leave the WSS in place within the design if you want. Tip: When embroidering, unroll enough TP so that there is no tension on the sheets. I hold the roll in front of me on the table that my machine is on. Doing it this way, I have never ripped the TP.
Barb where did U put the rest mine ends with this will???