Have a great visit with you sister. So nice of her to come and help out too. *4U
Have a wonderful time with you sister. Know that you have a lot to catch up on. I have not seen my family for nearly 15 months - it is hard when you live across the states from each other, but even harder if you are in different countries. Enjoy your time with her.
Thank you Dlonna. Yes, is really hard to have all my family so far. I will enjoy every minute with her. Flower and XoXo
Isn't it great to have family around, my brother came up last weekend (only for a couple of days) but I hadn't seen him for about 18 months, we had the best weekend...*4u
hope you'll have a wonderful time with your sister, enjoy the time you'll be together!
Oh Letvia, I can tell how happy you are and what a wonderful thing that she will be staying so long - this is great news and thank you for sharing it with us.
Enjoy your time with your sister have fun. A flower for you.
Happy, happy, joy, joy! You must be over the moon! I would swivel up and croak without my sister! I know the time will pass too quickly, but savor every minute!
Oh yes I am dear Jerrilyn. And is true, the time goes to fast. Flower and XoXo
you have a good time with your sister. I only had brothers but I had a sister-in-law that was like a sister. Have a good one and see you tomorrow
Enjoy, dear one, even if it does mean packing for the move. Having a sister must be wonderful, I never had one, only a brother who passed on. Love you lots, Marji
Well have a great day and I am glad you will be able to spend some time with your sister,it will make moving much more fun with her there to help you.hugs n flowers
oh very cool i do not have a sis and my brother is down syndrom we was close do not get me wrong but i always wanted a sis