by joaniessw 17 Aug 2008

I tried to get on earlier, but could not cuz Cute has surpassed its limit on how many could be server at one time. Wow, never saw that b4. Lots up early on this site this morn. Have a gr8 Sun.


by nglover1 17 Aug 2008

Sorry about the trouble but all the improvements will be worth it. A flower for you.

by auntbaba 17 Aug 2008

I'm glad that Cute is back on. I was forced off @ 12:15 PM.

by adelmarie 17 Aug 2008

Yes lots of problems, but it all for the better * You enjoy your day too.

by gerryvb 17 Aug 2008

well there are some difficulties i suppose, you were not the only one having troubles, hope everything is okay now