How long have you had your machine and does where you bought it have an in house repair service? If cleaning doesn't stop the noise you need to take it in and have it serviced especially if it is still in warranty.
Maggie what r U doing about your machine? Or have u gotten it fixed already. I hate to hear anyone is having problems with their machine. *4U
My MC300E was squeaking so I had it serviced. It had some white gunk build up in the bobbin case. My dealer asked me what glue I used and I told him I didn't use glue. He said it could also have been caused by not very good quality iron- on stabilizer.The only other place I had picked some of that up from was Spotlight, so he reckoned that could have caused it.May be if you ring that other sewing machine shop that you were telling me about, Maggie, they might have a solution.
I don't have an MC11000, but my Innovis 2500D makes a high pitched noise if I have threads bits around or in the bobbin case or if the feed dogs are dirty. Have you tried cleaning everything really well? I hope you can find the cause of your problem. Good Luck! *4U
I clean it all the time
it stops if I turn it off and back on but then starts after some time