by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

I dropped off my computer to get fixed yesterday. It will cost another $100-$150 (most likely the $150). They are backed up and won't get to it for about 1 1/2 weeks. I really feel like phoning them and cancelling it getting fixed and just get a brand new laptop for $500-$550 and be done with it. Then I can sell the old ones for whatever I can get and sell my Windows XP CD's (brand new). That could pay for 1/2 of new comp probably. Any suggestions?!?! I will need something really good and reliable for school.


by clawton 21 Aug 2008

Hope all goes well with the school thing.

by grannyo 20 Aug 2008

The other day, I heard on the news that when you buy a computer, buy it without the bundle of software. You'll save money if you buy the software you want by shopping on the net. I believe this too. When I get all that software, I get more than I'll ever use. I actually didn't know that I was buying it. Good luck in making your decision.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

I never thought of that. But, how right you are, thank you. I will remember. ><>

by marymoore 20 Aug 2008

the one i am using now is a dell i like it has been with me for 5 years now but then hubby works on them hisself he is the computer geek here lol

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

TY, sounds like Dell is the way to go. ><>

by mops Moderator 20 Aug 2008

Computers are rather short lived, of course you can be lucky, but once you're getting problems and you really need a reliable one, go for a new one. If you can afford it. Otherwise merry the repair man, LOL. I hope your grant comes thru.

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joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

I was told yesterday I could possibly get a $300 to go towards a comp for school, so I am seriously looking on net tonite. TY. ><>

by lbrow 20 Aug 2008

joanie, depending on how old your comp is, I would opt 4 a new one. I do not know what classes u will b taking but u can almost bet u will use comp 4 school & if that's so u will definitely need a reliable one. I have a Dell inspiron laptop & a Dell desktop when my other computer bit the dust, Dell had a great deal on the both of these, They were right there anytime I needed help for over a yr. & at one time I needed some part they had it there n 3 days my SIL installed it 4 me but they were going to do that also. Never cost me a cent.

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joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

That sounds gr8. Did you purchase it thru DELL or another computer store that sells Dell? ><>

by bikermomfl 20 Aug 2008

depending on how old your 'puter is would rely heavily on whether to fix or replace. They are kinda like t.v.s, it's usually cheaper in the long run to just replace it. Only you know your budget. If you can swing the new one go for it. Life's short, eat dessert first!!

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joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

a couple yrs old, but problems from beginning :( TY ><>

by jrob Moderator 20 Aug 2008

I can't give you any advice on that cause my DH runs the geek squad around here, but some computer savy cutie will be here shortly with the down-low.;)

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joaniessw by joaniessw 20 Aug 2008

ty :)