Thanks, I really enjoyed this link. I'm sending it around to my friends and family. :-)
Thanks for the fun link!! Wow, we've come a long way, baby!! First business computer that handled both alphabetic & numeric data, 3 cent stamps, first solo flight
over the North Pole. (I'm beginning to feel a little old....) :-)
I've still got some 2 cent stamps, penny post cards, & a book of ration stamps that were my mothers, but I remember her swapping sugar stamps with someone to get me some shoes.
My tear of birth was not exactly fun and roses: Orson Wells - War of the Worlds, Kristallnacht in Berlin, Hitler marches into Austria and on a brighter scale: ballpoint invented as was ECT (ugh), and Pearl S buck got the Nobel Prize for Literature.
If you've never read any of Pearl Bucks books do so, she was a wonderful writer.
Very interesting, I would like to see .06 postage again. Thanks.