It is not always the fault of the site. People hack in and can leave these types of things. There are also certain types of tracking cookies that have very close code identification, and can confuse a program, but I rather not have these types of cookies either, and will certainly not take a chance. I have recently changed security programs, and have found from reviews, that different programs pick up some different things. If a current program will not eliminate something, it is possible to use a program online, that you trust, to scan and clean.
Thank you Relow, I have had a problem with EmbroideryRN, I can not delete it from my computer. I am going to have to go to Geek Squad for help. I even called Babylock and they tryed all they could on the phone and could not help me get rid of it. Hugs and flowers.
Well just to check I deleted embroideryrn from my favorites and it worked, not even going to try and delete a design!
The website folder that I loaded to my Design Gallery. I was able to delete the designs. It is like the site is keeping a way to my computer. Hugs and flowers.
Welcome to Cute ! I am so glad you are here and I think you will like it here as it is a very helpful site and everyone here is so nice and just like family.Welcome!
That is strange isn't that persiancatlovers site? I've been there before and never had a problem.
I am unsure about this warning from a new member, unless I am mistaken and this is not persiancvatlovers website.
I am not the new member my flower count would indicate. I had several hundred flowers, but my account was not working properly. After several password changes, which worked for a day, I decided to create a new account. I have not had any problems since, but lost all my flowers. I guess I can live with that.