by silver 13 Sep 2008

There is an area store that sells a few of the denim jackets, lots of scarves and now T-shirts that I have embroidered on consignment. They are having their anniversary sale tomorrow. They have had people say that they would like to meet me (?lol?) and since they have invited a few of their other crafters and artisans I am going to get brave and go. Hopefully I will sell enough items to finally be able to buy a WACOM digitizing tablet so I can do more of my own artwork as designs. I just thought it would be nice... and make me feel braver.... if somone in here might wish me luck?

Thanks in advance..


by persiancatlover 15 Sep 2008

good luck

by sanc 15 Sep 2008

This is great for you. You have my wishes for the best of luck.

by mariahail 15 Sep 2008

Go get them!!!Good luck.**

by mops Moderator 15 Sep 2008

As I was away for the weekend I did not see this post until now. I'm glad all went well at the store and I hope all your troubles with Ike are over!
I've got the Wacom tablet, used it with 3D Sketch to get an free hand embroidery (works well), but have not tried making my own drawings yet. Hope to see your results in projects when you've got one.

by blhamblen 15 Sep 2008

WOW silver, I hope you made business cards for the sale? Remember you just need to get your foot in the door for it to open wide :) *4U

by stitchship 15 Sep 2008

Well, I came in late for this one, but I am so glad it went well for you. I am also glad you had sump pumps. We don't, and now you have made me think about that. I hope you can get the WACOM digitizing tablets.

by americangirl 15 Sep 2008

How exciting!! It sounds like it could be a new chapter for you. I hope you do great and it is everything you and hoping for and more.

by marjialexa Moderator 15 Sep 2008

I'm so glad you went, and that you actually enjoyed yourself! Wonderful that people turned out in spite of the miserable weather. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. I wonder if the couple newbies that showed up here are from your 'advertising', hee hee hee. Luv ya, Marji

getEdited - SELECT
by silver 13 Sep 2008

Thank you So very much everyone! It was nice having you all there, if only in spirit, with me!
Well we actually got hit by the tail end of 'Ike's Spite' last night... I thought I heard an odd noise before I went to bed last night and went downstairs to see what was up.... good thing I checked. My normally pretty-dry basement already had half a foot of water on the floor! I spent the night mopping up what the two sump pumps could not pump out (one of those 'just in case purchases' made by my husband... now I am glad he is so overly cautious!).
I took a quick cat nap this a.m. and decided I would go anyway... I thought with you all with me it might just be okay. The wind howled, the dark skies rumbled and the rain poured down but we hid under tents and breezeways and inside the store and still had a great turnout! Things sold pretty well... not great but considering the circumstances I was more than happy. I met so many wonderful people tho it was really amazing and that is what made it so worthwhile.
I talked to the people I met not only about my embroidery projects and items for sale but about the wonderful communities, such as Cute's, that have sprung up around this 'hobby'. Few people realized that such 'cyber' communities existed around our hobby and of those that did few realized that we could all be so 'close' even tho we are spread all over the face of the planet. I felt like an ambassador for 'Club Cute' and 'Club SICKs' lol.
So, in my moment of 'fame', I tried to shower you all with the acclaim you all deserve. I hope there was at least a tiny moment in your day when a spot of sunshine warmed your face, a sudden smile crossed your lips or just a feeling of happiness for no particular reason came your way because that was a sparkle of the rainbow in the midst of the storm we all endured that I was sending out to you all...
Thanks again for being there for me!
Blessings (and big hugs!) to you all!
Sincerely, Silver!

sufferingsonje by sufferingsonje 14 Sep 2008

Even Ike couldn't keep them away! Nice of you to spread the news of Cute. It was a success! People will come again if they do it again. *4u

shirlener88 by shirlener88 16 Sep 2008

Great news, Ambassador Silver.

by tinfriend 13 Sep 2008

Wishing you everything of the very best & so much more!!

by mimisews2 13 Sep 2008

I know that you will have lots of fun and enjoy meeting the people who are loving your work. It's always encouraging! Have fun!

by gerryvb 13 Sep 2008

wishing you luck and succes.tell us please how things went.

by debrar 13 Sep 2008

Good luck. I'm sure you won't need it. They wouldn't have asked you unless you are fantastic.

by bikermomfl 13 Sep 2008

as always we never see our own things as others do - thankfully! I'm sure if your things were requested that they must be beautiful. Best of luck and keep us posted.

by gramsbear 13 Sep 2008

Not only luck to you, but God's blessings as well. Keep your chin up! *4U

by marjialexa Moderator 13 Sep 2008

I probably saw this too late, and you're already there! But I'm sure you'll do well, and people always do like to meet the artisans that do the work. Just smile and nod a lot, they'll do all the talking, hee hee hee. My best thoughts are with you, I know this can be hard. I've done this many times for many things, and I *still* don't like it! Bright Blessings, Marji

by nglover1 13 Sep 2008

Good luck I know you will do well. A flower for you

by anna25775 13 Sep 2008

good luck silver, I'm sure you will do well.

by dgrammy 13 Sep 2008

Good luck ! Good luck bear sends you luck too!

by dlonnahawkins 13 Sep 2008

Well - best of luck to you, and hope it is a good day for you.

by amarilloactor 13 Sep 2008

Well shucks Girl - Good Luck!!! You go get 'em...... Hope all works out well for you. Eric

by clawton 13 Sep 2008

Good luck Hope you are successful.

by relaxsew 13 Sep 2008

Good luck with the sale, keep us informed! :)

by misscharlie 13 Sep 2008

Honey you don't need luck you've got the power of the cuties and the good Lord on your side! Just remember the little people when you become rich and famous lol*

by lbrow 13 Sep 2008

Silver U definitely have my very best wishes, that what U want & desire comes your way. Pack a rabbit's foot & horseshoe just n case LOL. the best to U *

by sufferingsonje 13 Sep 2008

13/9. Wish u well in this project and my it bring many more. I'm sure u will do well. U will let us know how it went. *4u to help with the confidence.

by colonies1 13 Sep 2008

Good luck my dear but you will do well I am sure. Let us know ok? *4u all

by shirlener88 13 Sep 2008

Oh silver - this is great - no luck needed - I am sure about that - your stuff will sell itself - but if you insist - GOOD LUCK!

by tanuja 13 Sep 2008

good luck to u.

by gerryb 13 Sep 2008

Don't know when you posted...but I'm a night owl! Good luck with the sale tomorrow! You can do it! Smile, smile!

by geruvyme 13 Sep 2008

Be strong you can do it... when your knees start to shake imagine getting a group hug from us!! flowers for luck

by dkjack 13 Sep 2008

Good Luck! *4U

by 100pandas 13 Sep 2008

Good luck, Hope you do really well.

by ezzemml 13 Sep 2008

hope you do well

by raels011 13 Sep 2008


by meganne 13 Sep 2008

HEY YOU GO GIRL! Break a leg as they say! And most importantly enjoy every minute and lap up all the praise everyone will heap on you. Would love to be there to cheer you on, but will at least be thinking of you.
Shamrocks for luck. hugs n roses, Meganne

by adelmarie 13 Sep 2008

Wow! That is just great, I am sure you will be glad that you went an will have a big smile on your face at the end of the day. Good luck tomorrow!