by cordura5 13 Sep 2008

last minute. So far, only two deaths have been reported. One was quite obviously God's will. She was crushed when a tree fell on her house as she was sleeping. She wasn't even in the evacuation zone. She was just meant to go 'home'.

We talked to our family this morning and, even though they were right next to the ship channel, they didn't have any flooding at all. A few branches down and two sections of fence fallen over looked like the only damage they had. No one has been by our houses yet to see what happened there, but it looks like it may be good news! I sure hope so.

As much as I would like to see my family, I REALLY don't want to go and do repairs on two houses. The last time my parents went and did that, they were gone for eight months!

I hope everyone else faired okay and let's hope they can let us know really soon...


by michelej 15 Sep 2008

Happy to hear that your family are ok! *4u

by claudenicolas 15 Sep 2008

Glad for you and your family

by cordura5 15 Sep 2008

I've decided that, after hearing first hand accounts from our family on Galveston Bay, that it isn't as bad as the news makes it out to be. When you think about it, if they don't report the worst of it, it's not really news, is it? So, from what I can tell, they are only reporting what the worst is, not the common things. Granted, Galveston Island was pretty bad, but not farther up the bay. I'll let you know when I hear more.

by grannyo 15 Sep 2008

I so glad to know that your family is doing fine. I hope when you get to your house that you find it in reasonable condition. You are still in my prayers. Please keep us updated.

by colonies1 15 Sep 2008

some I saw was awful.........but depends on where you were.Glad your family is ok.......

by emily16838 14 Sep 2008

I was playing for you too. I kept watch with you...glad your family is OK....

by sandralochran 14 Sep 2008

Thank you for sharing .Have seen the reports on the T.V. hear in Australia

by marjialexa Moderator 14 Sep 2008

I'm glad your family's ok! Some of the pictures I saw were just awful, I guess it depends on where you were. Kind of like our snow up here, I can get three feet at my house and a mile down the road it's practically bare. Well, I guess Ike's coming here now, we have high wind warnings, 50-60 mph, but no rain yet. Pushed all that hot wet air up here, though, it's hard to even breathe. Luv y'all, Marji

by nglover1 14 Sep 2008

So glad you heard from your family and they are OK A flower for you

by adelmarie 14 Sep 2008

Glad to hear your family in fine. *2U

by clawton 14 Sep 2008

Glad that your family is well. Hopefully any damage to your houses will be minor.

by lbrow 13 Sep 2008

I'm so sorry U've not seen your family yet, but hope everyone is okay. sticks & stones can be replaced flesh & bones r a lot harder to replace. *