I realize this 4 days old, but that is the story of my life. A day late and a dollar short. I simply don't have the time to download them all. I did suggest to Veronika B. the she offer a CD to sell to members as Designs by Sick does. I would buy one. How about the rest of you????
No. I have tried to get the ones I really like and tried to fill in the sets for the free ones. I don't have young ones around so I guess I'm more selective. There are a lot of great designs here to collect. If starting now I believe it would be a slow process.
Well, almost, Adelmarie. I downloaded everything I liked and thought I would ever use, and keep up with it as they come out. I don't have too many of the Halloween designs, as I don't have kids & wouldn't use them, but I do love some of the really creative witches, etc. When I downloaded, I did it twice, once right onto CD, once onto the computer. I always do that, backup is made right away, no need to remember when I backed up. Marji
Thank you for your solution to back ups. I'm waiting to find out if I lost my hard drive. It beat me to the backup.
I haven't YET, hoping to get a membership for X-mas...I did try to do ATW when I had their's BUT got mixed up and couldn't figure out my own saving system LOL :( So I just pick out the ones I like, need or might need some day:)
I have 99%, but remember, I started when there weren't that many.;)
No, I started with the ones I liked best, one by one and in 3 formats (different machines! a luxury problem). Still one alphabet to go and lots of designs. Problem there is of course my unorderly start!
yes I have and yes one by one is the only way to go. Takes a little time but it is worth it and because it does take some time you should concentrate on doing a page at a time so you can keep track on where you are up to and write it down so you know where to start again the next day.
Yes, like raels one by by & little by little till I had all. I adore them & they always stitch out so nicely. *
Yes one at a time, but I haven't had a membership for 1 year now. it is on my wish list for Birthday & Christmas. I also downloaded the colours as well