Congratulations on your double milestone! I missed this earlier and see you are now nearly to your next one already. You are a big part of what makes this a wonderful family of 'Cuties"
Congratulations, you look great together. Very nice picture
congratulations Adele on all the flowers. such a handsome gentleman with U on your avatar. I'm sure he's very deserving of U *
I noticed today. Wasn't on much yesterday. congratulations, you also went over 12000 in the other column which I may have missed the posting since I have gotten caught up yet.
Thank you. You just pointed it out to me did not notice it before that is a double hit for me then ;) *4U
Congrats Adelmarie on reaching 19000 I do like your new avitar . A cute couple. A flower for you
Wow, what a beautiful couple. Here's a tiara to go with your makeover......;)
Congratulations and yes, I noticed the new avatar, nice!
Wow, is that really you!!!! What a lovely couple!! Congratulations!!!!! more *4u
Your new avatar looks terrific, and your received a beautiful bouquet to go with it, *4u
I LOVE your new avatar!! Revealed at last!! Thanks for helping me sweetie!!
You are such a nice looking couple and look so happy together. wtg *4u
Adelmarie you have been one of my champions I must give you a * and my un-dying thanks for all of your support with everything I do
That is what we are here for, you cuties are my other family (just inside of my PC) *2U Thanks for your lovely compliments