by mops Moderator 04 Oct 2008

(don't remember which one) where the recommended numbers. Your opinions, please.


by prampelb 05 Oct 2008

In my opinion, definitely names describing the design plus a number. Just numbers makes it impossible to find back easily. BR. Pat

by mops Moderator 05 Oct 2008

Thank you all for your input. I think I'm doing a bit of a mix of everything suggested. Folder "My Designs" the the clipart source (including "Martine's art"), subfolders, the names of their series, subfolders "in progress" and "finished"(haha). Gives a lot of subdivisions, but I'm still managing. Flowers for all of you and may your "finished" folders multiply!

by meganne 04 Oct 2008

Hi Martine.
I use names with numbers then add Alpha'a. i.e. with clipart coming in sets, I start off with 1 - 10 of each design so then i have to add alphas to each design for every revision. Once each design is perfected (hahaha!) i delete all the previous efforts and move it to its final home. (see following)

I start all designs off in a 'work in progress' folder then when it is finished, ready to give away, I move it to a folder named 'Gifted' with sub folders under that of: 'Alphas' & 'Designs' then within 'Designs' are more sub folders named after each set: i.e 'Grannies'.
If it is just an individual design it just stays in the main Gifted\Designs folder.

The 'Alpha's' folder has each alphabet in its own sub-folder then each sub-folder has 'format' sub-folders so that i can quickly find e.g. MoonStar in .pes format, either individual letters or the whole alphabet in zipped file. I also do this with designs if I have shared them on Cute.

It sounds more complicated than it is, but it makes everything really easy to locate quickly.
Sorry about the novel. LOL! hnr, M

1 comment
mops by mops 05 Oct 2008

Thanks for the novel! I appreciate it very much.

by letvia 04 Oct 2008

As Marymoore, I save my designs in a folder named Letvia's Designs and then I use names and numbers, for example Penguin 1, Penguin 2, etc. Flower and XoXo

1 comment
mops by mops 05 Oct 2008

Thank you.

by marymoore 04 Oct 2008

i am like Ricky i save them in a folder named marys designs only then i break thm up like dogs birds and so on as far as colors i just use basic colors unless i am doing a design for someone that has a certain thread like madeira or sulky hope this helps you

1 comment
mops by mops 05 Oct 2008

Thank you.

by mpo14011 04 Oct 2008

I think we might have to change our nicknames. People are getting us mixed up.hehehe.
My own designs I save in a folder called "Ricky". Then I use subfolders,and call them by their design names, eg, rose in a frame, girl on potty etc. I also back up my designs on a separate CD named "Ricky"

mops by mops 05 Oct 2008

I'm afraid you can only change the password, not the nickname, I even once asked Veronica. So I think we'll have to live with the confusion. Have not yet saved them to their own CD, but that's a good idea.

dkjack by dkjack 05 Oct 2008

Good idea about saving them to a CD. I have all the others saved on CD plus external drive. Haven't saved my files on a CD yet. Thanks for the reminder

meganne by meganne 06 Oct 2008

Please consider using DVD's rather than cd's as DVD's hold 4.70 Gigabytes of data, compared to CD's, which only hold 650 Megabytes, around 7.2 times more can be stored on DVD's.
And they are so cheap to buy really good brands now. hugs n roses, M

by adelmarie 04 Oct 2008

I believe using names that describe the design is easier. If you are doing more than one then add numbers as you work on them. Ie. is you digitize a first rose will name it rose 01 and as you progress keep working up on the numbers rose 02, rose 03, etc... At least that system seems to work fine for me.

1 comment
mops by mops 05 Oct 2008


by lbrow 04 Oct 2008

Since I'm not digitizing Ricky I'll have to pass on that question *

1 comment
mops by mops 05 Oct 2008


by marjialexa Moderator 04 Oct 2008

I use names, Martine, and really long ones at that. I still categorize them by type, like flowers, cats, etc. I use numbers only for different versions. I save the first try, then the re-do after the test stitch, and sometimes save different styles, like weave fill, satin fill, and the numbers (1, 2, 3, really complicated, lol) tell me the latest version. I suppose if I had a web site selling designs, a numbering system would be good, but since I don't the long file names are ok for me. Have a sunny day!! Marji

marjialexa by marjialexa 04 Oct 2008

Larry Pike really does know what he's talking about, but with the number of designs Holly digitizes they have on the web site, they'd have to use a number system. I just don't have that many designs, hee hee hee. Marji

marjialexa by marjialexa 04 Oct 2008

Larry Pike really does know what he's talking about, but with the number of designs Holly digitizes they have on the web site, they'd have to use a number system. I just don't have that many designs, hee hee hee. Marji

mops by mops 04 Oct 2008

Thanks Marji, it's rainy her. Hope your day is a sunny one in every respect. Martine

by mops Moderator 04 Oct 2008

I looked it up it was by Larry Pike and I think he knows what he's talking about.

1 comment
dkjack by dkjack 04 Oct 2008

Interesting article. I can see what he means. I just dought if I will every have a website. :) Hope I don't have to eat my words. hahaha

by dkjack 04 Oct 2008

I use names that describe the design. If I use numbers it is harder to find what design I am looking to stitch.

1 comment
mops by mops 04 Oct 2008

Yes, that's what I thought too.