by eveve 12 Oct 2008

Hi everyone! I need some help. Does Joann and Amazon pack their items in big boxes when the items ordered arent that big. ie lots of empty space wasted? the reason i'm asking this is i am considering buying online from them.The courier will charge either actual weight or volume weight (the box sizes) depending on which is bigger. So if i ordered 5 magazines kind of books n they gave me a big box, i am going to pay a lot for the postages.

Thus i'm asking in advance. Thanks everyone!


by simplyrosie 13 Oct 2008

I've purchased thread from Joann's and numerous technical books from Amazon and the boxes were all small... media items however are heavy, but if the company ships media mail, you shouldn't be paying too much.

1 comment
eveve by eveve 14 Oct 2008

Hi! May i know what is media mail? What falls under this? Thanks! If i buy from Joann,will they send me promotion brochures/ in stores promotion mailer to the shipping address later on? I dont want to suddenly have a package there and pay like USD10+ for it. Thanks!

by blhamblen 13 Oct 2008

Sorry I can't help...But I do hate the xtra space when not necessary..My other PET PEEVE is the flyers for all sorts of OTHER places that get packed and I have to pay for their JUNK mail :(

1 comment
eveve by eveve 13 Oct 2008

wow thanks. i didnt know abt this

by lbrow 13 Oct 2008

I have ordered from Amazon(books) & they came n very small packages. don't know about Joann. *4U

1 comment
eveve by eveve 14 Oct 2008

Thanks! *4U2

by nglover1 12 Oct 2008

I have gotten books from Amazon and they were pretty much in the correct size . I did order a book from Joann's and I noticed it was in a larger book than needed. Hope this helps A flower for you

by eveve 12 Oct 2008

Bump bump Qn.

by jrob Moderator 12 Oct 2008

I'm not sure about Joann. Amazon does a pretty good job at packing in the correct size with minimal waste, but alot of purchases come from other sources, such as when you buy a used book. I would use the 800 number to order instead of online, if that was a concern, and ask them in customer service to conserve space in the packing. Good luck.;)

by michele921 12 Oct 2008

I just ordered from joann I don't know until my crystal's arrive never thought about if box or bag but I think with books you would want a box so the books would be better protected. *4U