by manami 26 Oct 2008

otherwise I wouldn't possible dream about having this special day!


by geruvyme 27 Oct 2008

HOw exciting!!! It is really neat and special you two got to meet, flowers for both of you! We make such special friends here... thanks for sharing!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

So true, we r lucky having such a great community. Thanks for the comment. *4u

by grannyo 27 Oct 2008

This is wonderful. The 2 of you look so happy. I hope to see more meetings in the near future. I think this is the greatest yet. *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks Grannyo!

by shirlener88 27 Oct 2008

Yoriko, thank you for sharing this with us - what a wondeful time you must have had. The two of you are lovely.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks Shirlene!

by debleerl 27 Oct 2008

That is wonderful!!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Yes, it is. Thanks debleer!

by eveve 27 Oct 2008

Wow Nice meeting up! So did u guys bring embroidery work to show each other? hehe

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

hehe, you are funny!

by blhamblen 27 Oct 2008

WOW This is just like a dating service BUT just for Cuties to get together :)

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

:) thanks blhamblen!

by sueffb1 27 Oct 2008

How wonderful to have met in person. Thank you for sharing your picture with all of us. Makes me a little envious, because I would love to meet the "cuties" in person. Love these people, and Veronika you are indeed the BEST!!! Sue

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Love this people too. Thanks Sue.

by nglover1 27 Oct 2008

So glad you could meet A flower for you

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

I am very happy. Thank you Nglover!

by lindaavolio 27 Oct 2008

Great picture...really neat you two could meet...and share.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

thank you Linda!

by letvia 27 Oct 2008

A happy day. Flower and XoXo for both

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks Letvia!

by mimisews2 27 Oct 2008

:) *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

:) Thanks Mimi

by mops Moderator 27 Oct 2008

Glad to hear you enjoyed your day together. Nice to have a common interest and be able to talk about it.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you!

by marjialexa Moderator 27 Oct 2008

Wonderful!!! Beautiful picture (Yoriko, you look just like your avatar), must have been a fun day. I'm so glad you met on Cute, then could actually meet in person. I still want to come to Australia, boo hoo hoo, hee hee hee

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Oh, I love drawing too. Thanks Marji!

by jrob Moderator 27 Oct 2008

Louise and Yoriko, you are definately a couple of "CUTIES". I'm happy you could meet and jealous of these days.....;)

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you JRob!

by tabsolom 27 Oct 2008

Glad to hear you both had a great day, ****

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

thank you Tabsolom!

by lbrow 27 Oct 2008

So very glad the 2 of u could get together. It's nice to have a friend with the same interests u have. enjoy one another *

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Yes, it is very nice. Thank you Lilian.

by shirleysisson 27 Oct 2008

How special that the 2 of you could meet. This is a lovely picture. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you Shirley!

by iris2006 27 Oct 2008

Glad that you both have had a lovely day together and enjoyed it. Mabey a new long friendship has started.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

For sure! Thanks Iris!

by meganne 27 Oct 2008

OH WAY TOO COOL! so thrilled for you both.
hugs n roses, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you Meganne!

getEdited - SELECT
by 2createit 27 Oct 2008

I'm bumping this message so everyone can be part of our meeting, it was fun .Louise. * 2 u all

sueffb1 by sueffb1 27 Oct 2008

Thanks Sue

manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks for this lovely day, Louise!

by bamaasc 27 Oct 2008

How neat to meet a Cutie in person!! Great photo! *

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks Bamaasc!

by zedna 27 Oct 2008

What a lovely pair of ladies!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Aw... Zedna! Thank you!

by michelej 26 Oct 2008

What a great photo!! So pleased you got to meet each other....

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you Michele!

by mad14kt 26 Oct 2008

Isn't it GREAT...FIESTA ;) *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Yes, Fiesta! Thank you Mad14tk!

by adelmarie 26 Oct 2008

Wow! That is so nice. I wish we could have a cuties huddle. It is surely a nice community.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you Adelmarie!

by elaine45 26 Oct 2008

Great picture...

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thank you Elaine!

by gerryb 26 Oct 2008

Great picture! Know you have started a long friendship! Aren't sewing people the greatest?!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Yes, they are! Thanks Gerryb!

by sherylac 26 Oct 2008

Beautiful Photo, Louise and Yoriko. What fun that would have been for the both of you and so very exciting. What a lovely day!!!! *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

It was a lovely day. Thank you Shery!

by marymoore 26 Oct 2008

wow thats great

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Thanks Mary!

by gramsbear 26 Oct 2008

Beautiful picture, beautiful people! It makes my heart smile to read about this and the fun time you must have had! Hugs, *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

How sweet is you comment. Thank you Gramsbear!

by manami 26 Oct 2008

Here's the picture of us.

2createit by 2createit 27 Oct 2008

Yeah.. it was fun..

lbrow by lbrow 27 Oct 2008

2 very lovely cuties. *

letvia by letvia 27 Oct 2008


kathyjt by kathyjt 27 Oct 2008

Good to met you cuties.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 27 Oct 2008

Louise & Yoriko, it is lovely to see the two of you together - how special.

manami by manami 28 Oct 2008

Yes, very special. Thanks all.