by manami 27 Oct 2008

Unfortunatelly, the computer system broke when I brought it to Australia and the repairing cost is very expensive. That is why I got a new one. I wonder if somebody knows if its possible to extract the files from the cards. A picture of one card attatched. Thanks in advance.


by eliamae 27 Oct 2008

I had about 12 or 13 of these when I had to get a new machine due to lightning stricking my house. I had to get a Magic Box Design Card Converter. They have more than one converter box on the market and there may be newer ones now also but my magic box converts the designs from this card to the card my new machine uses. If I'm right this is a sew card. My new machine uses Jef but the magic Box converts this sew into many different formats.

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Oct 2008

Thanks Eliamae, maybe that's what I need.
Too bad it's too expensive just to try it out. A flower for you.

by manami 27 Oct 2008

here's the picture

1 comment
mariahail by mariahail 13 Dec 2008

Yoriko, if you can not use your cards you could probably sell them on EBAY, that is what I did when sold my janome and got my brother machine.