welcome to the cute fmly kagen. the christmas fonts were being brought up because we were voting for them. Clawton has explained more n detail to u. With 6 mo. paid membership u can DL everything there is on this site including all the different fonts. *
The Christmas font was a previously offer free one that a lot of people started to vote for. When the new one became available, it appears, they wanted it more. There was more time than usual between the free set offerings. That allowed people to try to get letters they were missing. That occurred with Letvia's help in correlating peoples requests as she continues to do. It all depends upon the number of votes. You can buy individual letters for $1. or buy a membership which is a good deal.
If you go to Alphabet, it's the sixth one up from the bottom and it still looks like the one we had before (it sews out beautitful also).