by jrob Moderator 10 Nov 2008

Hopefully by days end, I shall be able to come back into the light and not have to look at think about everything I do 3 times. I, at least have the thought capacity NOT to try and sew, because I am certain that today I would be the perfect example of "As ye sew, so ye shall rip." (With apologies to the apostle Paul, the author of Galatians.)

ALSO, THANK YOU, THANK YOU,THANK YOU, for all of those prayers you sent up on my behalf. I got into pretty bad shape and just kept holding on to your prayers and my faith. I had an adverse reaction to the medication.
love to all,


by dlonnahawkins 12 Nov 2008

I have been out from the community some but guess you had a double ouch! The cost and the actual pain. You are probably feeling more like yourself by now. Hope it is easier on you now.

by lbrow 11 Nov 2008

I'm sure u r feeling more like yourself now Jerrilyn. Isn't it awful the price we have to pay for all the pain & anxiety we have to go through & then on top of everything a drug reaction. God was on your side, hopefully you'll be eating anything u want in a couple of days with no pain. Lillian

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jrob by jrob 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Miss Lillian, I am getting somewhat better, still a bit foggy, but yes, God was with me.

by meganne 10 Nov 2008

AGAIN???!!! You poor petal, i really do feel for you. Reactions to drugs can be fatal so I am truly relieved to see you are recovering. PLEASE make a note of that drug and get yourself a medic alert tag as allergic reactions can be cumulative and if there is ever a next time, well, i'll say no more...
Please get well soon, sending you biggest of hugs and Blessings, Meganne

1 comment
jrob by jrob 12 Nov 2008

Still feel like I've a borrowed head, but getting more like myself.

by mops Moderator 10 Nov 2008

Sorry you had an adverse reaction to the drug. I'm afraid dental work is a rip-off. I had two implants put in 3 months ago, now is about the time to get the molars fitted. Luckily I already paid for the first part, hope this second - or really the third, 6 months ago they pulled the molars out and the bone had to regrow before part two - does not cost me a fortune again. Could buy a car for that money, albeit small and second hand. Anyhow can't afford the petrol, one is enough for a couple of old-age-pensioners (don't you love that British expression?! Hope you feel well after the drugs wear off Jerrilyn.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 10 Nov 2008

I do love it Martine, and will add it to my collection of Colloquialisms.;)

by clawton 10 Nov 2008

Sorry to hear about you reaction to the medicine. Looks like we might have to take out loans to get dental work done in the future. (hope not!) At least you won't have trouble with that tooth again!!! :)

1 comment
jrob by jrob 10 Nov 2008

That is the plan, but not the promise.