by meganne 11 Nov 2008

the doctor had to use the fine needle instead because the breast tissue was too solid to allow the (thicker) needle gun to penetrate into the growth. I don't think I could have stood all the poking and probing without the L.A. and I suspect I am going to be very bruised tomorrow.

Now for the warning and this is really scary & has me terribly concerned!!!!

My last ultrasound was 13/10/08 (1 month ago).
Yesterday, my left breast became suddenly very sore around the nipple, so sore I had to remove my bra. I very gingerly did a breast examination and yes, I found a lump, about 3/4" in diameter, but i couldn't remember if it was there before.

OK, so while I was having the biopsy this morning, I asked the doctor to please check out my left breast.
I know my referral didn't ask for this extra procedure, but I offered to pay for it and besides he knew my next appointment with the Surgeon is next week.

So, the big lump i could feel turned out to be another cyst,
BUT! he found two more small lumps right next to it and 3 more underneath them, these were the cause of the sudden pain as the the fast growing cyst is pressing against them.

These lumps were not visible 4 weeks ago!

AND, yes they are 'Suspect'!

Please ladies, be self aware, because unless you have a checkup every 3 months, it won't be a mammogram or ultrasound that will save your life but your own awareness of your own body.

If someone tells you cancerous breast lumps are usually painless, don't you believe it!

If you have soreness in your breasts, or shooting needle like pains going through to your nipple, don't ignore it!

If you have discharge from your nipples, don't ignore it!

If your nipples become inverted or you get a rash that won't heal, don't ignore it!

I didn't feel these other lumps, I didn't feel the first one, but i felt soreness both times and just "knew" there is something not right.

I'm going to have a lay down now as the anaesthetic is starting to wear off and I didn't sleep very well last night.
hugs n roses to all, Meganne


by mariahail 15 Nov 2008

I don't remember if I posted this before, but there is a new test, it is call BRAC TEST, it has been advertise on tv, if anybody in your family had breast cancer then you should ask your doctor about this test, they say that they will know if you will have and what to de to prevent it.I will try to get more information on this test.Meganne I pray that you'll be OK.xoxoxoxoxo

1 comment
meganne by meganne 01 Dec 2008

Thanks Maria, I am up to date on this and my sister won't have the test.
Two maternal Aunts, three maternal cousins and my sister all having breast cancer is a pretty fair indication that it is in our family line. But there is much more research that needs doing before they are even sure of what, having the Braca 1 or Braca 2 gene deviation, means to those families who have it.
If you are interested in learning more it is worth visiting the above website, among others.
hugs n roses as always, Meganne

by lbrow 14 Nov 2008

God's blessings on u my dear. U r n my prayers

by debleerl 14 Nov 2008

You are in my thoughts, and I pray you will be blessed with a miracle.

by damaris 14 Nov 2008

Thanks for the message. I have a neice that is having a breast removed today. Her sister went thru this about 4 or 5 years ago. Will keep you in my prayers

by cracker 13 Nov 2008

Hope all turns out well for your biopsies!!! I have to go in at least every 2 months to have cysts drained. NOT a fun prcedure at all.

by sherylac 13 Nov 2008

I hope they you are well and thank you so much for caring so much about others, chin up and take one day at time and you have lots of friends thinking of you

by raels011 12 Nov 2008

To one tough old bird from another tough old bird please remember I am thinking about you and wishing you all the best in your fight and big thank you for caring about others ..Raelene

by sqdancer 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Meganne for taking the time to talk to very brave and strong you positive and know that we are all praying for you...hugs and much love..xxxG

by elaine45 12 Nov 2008

Thank you so much for all of your information...and your warning to the rest of us...I hope you are doing ok. Thinking of you.

by dlonnahawkins 12 Nov 2008

Bless your heart - we are all thinking of you, and wishing for the best. Please do keep us posted. You have done a great job to make sure we are all aware of our own bodies - we can not be told this enough.

by joke46 12 Nov 2008

I'm thinking of you and wish you all the best

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Nov 2008

Thinksing of you

by shirleysisson 12 Nov 2008

My thought and prayers are with you, Meg. Thank you for sharing this with us. *4U

by iris2006 12 Nov 2008

Meganne, thanks for the warning, we all know but sometimes we forget. I'm sorry to hear about your bad news. Know that you be in my thoughts and please keep us informed. Hope you will have a better night tonight and have a good sleep. Take care.

by mimisews2 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Meganne for sharing with us. I've been waiting to hear from you and praying for you. I've not been vigilant about self-exams, but I will be better from now on. Keep your eyes on Jesus and not the situation! We'll be praying for you! Debbie

by chodgins 12 Nov 2008

Dear Meganne: Thank you for being brave enough to speak out on this subject. It may save someone's life someday. I would also like to extend to you my prayers and positive Karma, that you will be well and cancer-free. Also, I ask that all the Cuties of this site say one mass prayer in your name today. With all that fire power, God is sure to hear us. Hugs to you girl. Keep us posted.

by jrob Moderator 12 Nov 2008

Oh, Meg.....that is not good news to hear that you have yet another worrisome spot. You are very brave and caring to share with us what you are experiencing, and you are right, you can reach alot of people here and perhaps save another through education. I admire you so much. You are continuously in my prayers. Chin up and go roll strikes! LOVE and HUGS and ROSES!

by manami 12 Nov 2008

Meganne, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough time. My auntie had breast cancer, I believe it was not easy for her too. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Your friend, Yoriko

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

I'm a tough old bird Yoriko, but sometimes it does get to me. But those times I come to my family at Cute and they shre a laugh and a loving word of support and it restores my spirits and reminds me that I can overcome with love and faith.
I hope your Aunt has recovered completely from her cancer. Hugs n roses, M

by toet 12 Nov 2008

Oh you have had a rough time my heart reaches out to you,it has been nearly nine years for me now,im here for you if you need to talk to someone that has walked in your shoes. take care heather

meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

God bless you Heather, you must have had your fight with it around the same time as my Sister's first battle with it. It sure makes it easier to face when you have someone to talk to, who has already been there.
I watched a fantastic documentary last week, called "Pieces Of Me" it's the story of four generations of breast cancer in the one Australian family and it was perhaps the best and most uplifting documentary I have seen on the subject. Truly inspiring, no doom and gloom it really helped to see the way each of the three sisters coped with the news that they have the BRCA 2 gene. It was what i needed to lighten my mood and return me to my (normally) practical positive self.
Thanks so much for your support and I hope you will never face that threat again. hugs n roses, M

toet by toet 12 Nov 2008

Meganne my heart reaches out to you,and your family,i will help you be strong. When i read your story i cried for you,and wanted to hold your hand,as i could feel what you are feeling. . Meganne you will find an iner strength that you never knew that you had. The cute family will help keep you strong. Contact me at any time you need me. Heather

by shirlener88 12 Nov 2008

Meganne, you are a very brave women - not only going through it all but having the ability to discribe it - so that we all can learn from it - in your hours of pain and discomfort. I do hope that you do not suffer any more from this and that this doctor can help you get through whatever you will have to go through quickly. You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Bless you dear one.

meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Nah, I'm only brave because i have my darling Ray with me every step of the way. I nearly cut the circulation in his good hand, i was holding it so tightly. LOL!

To me, knowledge is power & if sharing
this journey with you all, helps even one other woman to be more vigilant & it saves one other life through knowledge and warning, Then I feel it is something I must do.

20 odd years ago, I lost a beautiful friend to breast cancer that wasn't detected early enough.

She was only 34 and the cancer had spread to her pelvis and liver before she was even diagnosed with having breast cancer. And of course it was too late to save her.

Back then it was thought that Women under 50 don't get breast cancer, so they don't need regular mammograms. Thankfully we know better now.

Surprisingly, I'm not that sore from the biopsy tonight, I think the left breast is way sorer, but I am weary, so may have an early night.

I may even be ok for bowling in the morning. I can hope! :-}
Hugs n roses dear friend, love you, M

shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Nov 2008

Oh my goodness Meg, you can not be serious about bowling - but if you do go - I know you will take care of yourself and will be with others that care for you, too. You have said just what someone may need to hear - that is for sure. My prayers are with you - today and always. I am happy you have Ray with you, too.

by gramsbear 12 Nov 2008

Meganne, just to let you know, you are in my Prayers and Thoughts. May God help you with this. Judy

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Judy, don't forget self examination. hugs n roses, M

by stitchship 12 Nov 2008

I will be praying for you! I can imagine what the pain must have been. A few weeks ago, I had a needle stuck all the way into my left shoulder's socket, so they could inject a fluid in there. I couldn't have stood it without the Local Anesthesia. It still hurt a bit even with the anesthesia. I hope that you are not sore tomorrow, and that all the results are fine. My heart goes out to you!

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

EEEOOOOOOOW! Just the thought of that makes my blood turn cold. I do hope the treatment eased your pain.

Many year ago I had a cortisone injection (cold turkey) in the joint of my big toe & I blessed that doctor for his knowledge of anatomy as he was right on target.
Several years later i wasn't so lucky with the next doctor who had to repeat the treatment... Oh boy does it hurt when they hit the bone, I still remember it!!! It made first GP's skills even more apparent after the ineptitude of the second one.

I do believe that some people are just far more skilled than others.

I think by far the worst needle i ever had was by an inept blood collector who had to draw a sample from me when I was in hospital with pneumonia, she was quite a cranky piece of work, and when she couldn't raise a vein in my arms or hand she inserted the needle between the knuckle joints in my hand, before then i didn't think i was still capable of screaming. I was wrong. LOL!

We humans sure do go through a lot from the cradle to the tomb, don't we?

I do hope your shoulder problem is cured by the treatment.
hugs n roses, Meganne

by kezza2sew 12 Nov 2008

Meg, I will pray for you. Know that you are in my thoughts. Do take care sweetie.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Kerry, as you are often in mine. Please don't forget your self examination too. hugs n love, M
PS, did you get my email?

by emily16838 12 Nov 2008

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this you are in my prayers. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Emily, and please remember early detection is the best cure. hugs n roses, M

by cutiepie 12 Nov 2008

Oh, Meg! I am so sorry that you are having to go through all this. My mom had breast cancer (is just over four years clear) and it is a very scary thing. I have been very vigilant since her diagnosis, and I'd like to hope that I would notice any changes in myself (other than feeling like I have two deflated balloons on my chest following nursing the twins for about six months). You are in my prayers that all tests will come back benign. Virtual hugs coming your direction!!! &&&&& &&&&& &&&&&

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you so much, I will remember your Mum in my prayers too, that she remains clear for the rest of her life.

I created a doll in the Celebration Chain for my sister, you may like to create one for your mum.
hugs n roses, Meganne

by maryjo 12 Nov 2008

Thank You for the heartfelt warning. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You will be in my prayers, and please do keep us informed. Hope you're not too sore tomorrow.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Mary, I'd like to be able to bowl in the morning and so far it's not too painful so I may just get there. Please remember your self examination. hugs n roses, M

by bamaasc 12 Nov 2008

Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sending a big hug to you! Keep us updated.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you so much. I think it's important to keep everyone here informed as it may just save someone else. Please don't forget to do your self examination. hugs n roses, M

by marymoore 11 Nov 2008

meg please keep us me posted on this issue i worry about you and i will be praying for you

1 comment
meganne by meganne 12 Nov 2008

Thank you Mary, I will keep you all informed. we've started this journey together and I think it's important to share it with you all. hugs n love, M