by marjialexa Moderator 14 Nov 2008

disaster that faced me almost a year ago. I expected a nice Saturday with my husband after his week of work, and got 911, paramedics & the coroner. I know it's silly, but I'm afraid of what I'll wake up to tomorrow, so I'm already afraid to go to sleep tonight, & it's still morning. Please keep me in your prayers for this most horrible first anniversary. I'm not doing very well right now, and I need you. Love, Marji


by blhamblen 17 Nov 2008

Reading this has given me more hope that I will make it thru this. THANX Barb

1 comment
meganne by meganne 17 Nov 2008

Barb, much love is coming your way from all of us, and especially from those of us who have buried a life partner. We understand what you are feeling and we are all here for you.
Hugs n blessings, Meganne

by marjialexa Moderator 15 Nov 2008

From deep in my heart, I thank you! Does prayer work? Yes, it does. I stayed at work till 8PM last night, helping my boss clean & talking to her. She knows the situation, and has really become more of a 'friend' than a 'boss'. Then I came home, fed the dogs & cats, made a sandwich. Went to bed and read the glorious language of "Prince of Tides" till I fell asleep. I dreamed dreams filled with light and love. I also dreamed of embroidery! There was a campground where everyone had their embroidery machines set up under the trees, and we were all sewing and talking and laughing. I awoke this morning in peace, surrounded by love, and covered with cats. This is not a coincidence. Your thoughts & prayers touched me from all the corners of the earth, and allowed me to rest in this peace instead of being dogged by fear. I am surprised, yet again, by the power we have to help each other in this way. I am deeply grateful to you all. Love, Marji

1 comment
meganne by meganne 17 Nov 2008

You always have my love and support, expressed privately and I'm so glad your dreams were comforting ones.
You already know my beliefs on dream spirits, your dream gave you a powerful message, you are much loved by your Cute family, of which i am just one. hugs n blessings friend, love you, Meganne

by lbrow 14 Nov 2008

My dearest Marji, I know how hard it is. the 3rd of this month was 18 yrs since the day I buried a husband & even though I'm remarried I still go through it again. With God's grace i made it through but there were times I would come home from work (I worked night shift) months later & I wouldn't/couldn't go in the house. He had always been there with a cup of coffee 4 me when I came n. Time makes it better, & u accept it but he'll always b n your heart. God bless u on this anniversery try to occupy yourself, invite some friends over or maybe someone will remember & ask u over. Don't b alone.

by shirlener88 14 Nov 2008

Oh Marji, you know you need to be with someone else tonight - stay over to a friends home or do something so totally different that when you go to bed you will be exhausted - believe that God will get you through this night and tomorrow - as He will - we will pray for you as we have throughout the last while and we will be here - for you. *4U

by clawton 14 Nov 2008

Prayers of peace are with you.

by jrob Moderator 14 Nov 2008

Marji, I have prayed for you and will continue to pray for you. Go someplace if you can and don't do the same things you normally do. Even if you go out to see movie, it will get you out of the house. Treat yourself to dinner and look for someone who looks lonely and talk to them. It helps so much to focus on other things where you can. Sending you love and hugs ;)

by debleerl 14 Nov 2008

Call me if you need me. I can come over Saturday if you want. Or better yet, get out of your house and come over to mine.

by mops Moderator 14 Nov 2008

Dear Marji, you've been in my prayers all week and I won't stop now. Wish you could have company these horrible days. All my love and a big hug. Martine

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Nov 2008

Dear Marji. You have my love and prayers. My thoughts are going to be with you. It is not silly at all to feel this way. I truly wish that words could heal you. I would send them to you. If you need to talk let me know. I am going to be home this weekend.

by misscharlie 14 Nov 2008

Marji I will be on the PC most of the night I will be here for you and with you. If you need more email me your phone # and I will call you. Love you xoxox

1 comment
misscharlie by misscharlie 15 Nov 2008

I stayed up until 3 am in case you needed me. I am praying that it wasn't too bad of a nite for you, I am hoping that is why I did not hear from you. God bless you Marji xoxox

by superfroggirl 14 Nov 2008

Marji, my thoughts are with you!!