by manami 16 Nov 2008

It was really tough working with Embird plus, which I deleted completely as I thought it was not worth upgrading. I can see so many possibilities with this new software. Thanks Meganne for the advices on the new Embird. I was wanting that so badly...I believe that the real fun is about to start!


by elaine45 17 Nov 2008

Good for you....

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you Elaine!

by dlonnahawkins 17 Nov 2008

I know that you are happy with this - I just can not get to grasp the digitizing aspect - maybe after i attend this seminar this weekend. We are all happy for you.

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manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Wow, that is great, D'lonna! I don't know very much about this kind of seminar, but it sounds really great! Thank you, again.

by debrar 17 Nov 2008

I'm happy for you. I really don't know what you are talking about, but every girl deserves a present.

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you, Debrar! You are right, who doesn't like to give&receive a present?

by jrob Moderator 17 Nov 2008

and visions of Embird danced in their heads......;)

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

:D So true, Jerrilyn!

by blhamblen 17 Nov 2008

I don't digitize, BUT Merry Christmas to YOU:)

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you so much, Barb!!!

by michelej 17 Nov 2008

I am really happy for you Yoriko.. what a great xmas present for you..Have fun with it!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you Michele! Actually, it was not a good time to buy one, but it worth every yen. I feel like a child with a new toy :D

by asterixsew Moderator 17 Nov 2008

Have fun and enjoy and we will probably enjoy too with more of your super designs? Anyway happy digitising

1 comment
manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you asterix! I love drawing and creating designs, and digitizing is something that I can still draw and create, that is great!. I'm happy!

by shirlener88 17 Nov 2008

WOW Yoriko, a gift that keeps on giving with each design you create. Hehehe!

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manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you Michele! I'll be glad to contribute with this community, it is a precious reward when you have your work recognized, even with those simple ones I've sharing.

by captiveillusions 17 Nov 2008

Congrats, and have fun! *4u

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manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you, De'Anna!

by mariahail 17 Nov 2008

Congratulations, Manami, what a nice Christmas present!!!***

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manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Yeah, I'm in love with it! Thank you, Maria!!!

by sqdancer 17 Nov 2008

Have Embird and all the plug-ins manami and thoroughly enjoy working with it...have had it since 2000 and have up graded whenever they came out with something newer...Sure you are going to have a great time...

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manami by manami 17 Nov 2008

Thank you Glenda! The only thing I'm a bit disappointed is that it doesnt support my Japanese fonts. I still have to design them manually. On the other hand, manually created is a lot better than the generated ones, so I'm happy anyway!

by dpickel 16 Nov 2008

Way to go! Have fun.... :) Remember to get some sleep somewhere... Myself, I tend to stay up way past my bed time playing with new toys... :)

1 comment
manami by manami 16 Nov 2008

:D That is sooo true, Dpickel! My eyes go shut in front of the computer, it's hillarious.

by lbrow 16 Nov 2008

Congratulations Manami U r gonna love em. that's what I have. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 16 Nov 2008

Thank you so much, Lilian!!! It's a great software!!! Love it.