by manami 19 Nov 2008

Each one of you, make this site a beautiful place to be in. There is no bad times or good times to stop you from share your compassion, kindness or your joys. I just wanted to thank you all for more this blessing in my life and for making such a wonderful memories to live by. And apologize if I ever have ofended someone, my English is not good enough, so it is easy for me to missunderstand something and I can't reply as I really want to.

My first post:
(That time, I had about 50 flowers by visiting here daily, even when I was in Japan.)


by mops Moderator 20 Nov 2008

You are very kind! You have already made great contributions yourself with all the designs you put up and all the friendly answers you gave. This is what makes this site so great: friendly and helpful contributions from everyone! Flower for your growing bouquet.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Thank you Martine, for your lovely words. Beautiful people like you make this site as great as it is. You are very kind person, and you are one of the cuties I admire so much. Hugs&**

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Nov 2008

This is wonderfully verbalized. I know exactly how you feel and wish I could have said the same thing to all the friends here. Thank you and *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Well said, in this image! thank you, Crafter!

by kathyjt 19 Nov 2008

Thank you for being our friend. *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Thank you, my friend.

by jrob Moderator 19 Nov 2008

What a sweet thing for you to say. You are a star on the Cute Horizon.;)

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

You too, always there to say something to are a thoughtfull lady. Thanks Jerrilyn!

by shirlener88 19 Nov 2008

Yoriko, it wasn't that long ago - was it? We are so happy that you were greeted with such respect and please know - that even those of us that speak English can not always express ourselves well. We adore you. Keep coming back!

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Wow, Shirlene, why is that I feel so close to you? Luv ya, dear friend!

by clawton 19 Nov 2008

It is a place of sharing of all types and kinds. We are blessed to have so many great people/folks from around the world!

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

So true, Clawton. We are so blessed. Thank you, my friend!

by misscharlie 19 Nov 2008

Since we are going down memory lane here is my first post, amazingly enough it was only this past July 23rd that I found this wonderful site and these perfect QT's. I am so proud and thankfull that they call me friend, I never felt that I deserved all the love and kindness that I have experienced here. I am truly blessed and I thank God for Him leading me here.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Wow, Misscharlie, thanks for sharing your first post. Aren't they such a beautiful memories we are building here? Thank you my friend.

by marymoore 19 Nov 2008

oh boy i remember my first post and then some lol but we are all family here and we care for one another and help if we can my first post was about the flowers lol

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Wow Mary, thanks for sharing your first post! I too didnt understand what was that flower for. :D Now I see them as hug from each one of you. Thanks my friend.

by debrar 19 Nov 2008

How kind you are. You have been a blessing to us. This site is so nice because we can celebrate our differences and enjoy each one for such positive energy.

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

That is so true, we can feel that energy right way! Thanks for your lovely comment, Debrar!

by lbrow 19 Nov 2008

Manami we have truly been blessed by your presence with us. U have such a generous giving spirit & Cute's is very, very proud to have u as one of us. I told u welcome n the beginning & I still say we welcome u with open arms. U have really caught the spirit of the Cute family *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 20 Nov 2008

Yes, you are always there for me, Lilian...thank you very much, you are such a sweet lady.