by mad14kt 20 Nov 2008

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

Acts 12:5

Peter had been thrown in prison for preaching the gospel. Naturally, the church began to pray for him. They may have prayed for his comfort and his safety. Maybe they imagined God influencing Herod to let Peter go or that the trial would result in an acquittal. Whatever they prayed, they probably weren't expecting the answer that God provided.

One evening as the church prayed, God supernaturally broke Peter out of prison. Immediately, Peter rushed off to visit those who were praying. But when he arrived, no one believed that it was actually Peter. They didn't expect their prayers to be answered so quickly or powerfully.

A lot of times we pray, but we're still surprised when God answers. It's not that we don't believe he can answer. We're just not ready for the answer he gives.

As you pray, keep your eyes and ears open to God's response. Because while God's answers might not look anything like you imagined, he will answer you. Take some time today to ask God to help you accept his answers, even when they don't meet your expectations.

By Ed Young Ministries


by misscharlie 23 Nov 2008

ohmygosh I missed the reminder! Was there a reminder? TY for this dear friend xoxox

by lbrow 23 Nov 2008

I'm glad I came back to catch up, I was talking about Peter at church this Am during S.S. thanks Monica

by boshoff 21 Nov 2008

Thank you. So true!!!!!!!!!!

by jrob Moderator 20 Nov 2008

Thanks are so faithful.

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Nov 2008

Thank you. Nice to see your post again. God bless.